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This Winner's GOING SHOPPING @TARGET Really Soon!

    You're all jealous, right?

    The winner of the $50 Target Gift Card Giveaway is:

    bloggerbebe said...
    iv'e just started reading the one bored mommy blogspot!
    Congrats!  You now have 48 hours to claim your prize!  Thank you to everyone who entered to win! 

    Stay tuned for more awesome GIVEAWAYS from One Bored Mommy herself!  Gotta keep you coming back for more!

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This Winner's GOING SHOPPING @TARGET Really Soon!

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What Happens When You Fill A WATER BALLOON With Helium? LOADS OF Free Entertainment!!

    So, as we were celebrating my oldest son's birthday today...I got a wild idea!  What happens when you fill up water balloons (I bought them for a cannon fight...because his theme was PIRATES) with helium? 

    My kids have not stopped playing with them since!  The bad thing...once they make it to the ceiling, they need help getting them down!  The good thing...seriously they loved it!  SERIOUSLY LOVED IT!  Why didn't I think of this sooner?

    Talk about an awesome "FREE" way to entertain the kids for hours...all with good, harmless fun! 

    Anyway, just had to share in case any of you are as desperate as I am, right now (since school was delayed a week), to find things to keep them busy for a little longer this summer!

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What Happens When You Fill A WATER BALLOON With Helium? LOADS OF Free Entertainment!!

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Want To Learn More About How CHILDREN And YOGA Are A Great Combo? This Will Be "The Balancing Act" Show You Won't Want To Miss!

    Our family is huge fans of Move With Me Action Adventures

    The mix of yoga and kids is the perfect combo! 

    Now...the brilliant & beautiful woman who dreamt this combo into a DVD series will be on "The Balancing Act" Show on September 30th to tell you all about it!
    Let me encourage you to watch & check out all this amazing company has to offer your family!

    I was not paid to feature this post!  The helped sponsor me to Blogher 2011 with a $75 donation towards my costs!

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Want To Learn More About How CHILDREN And YOGA Are A Great Combo? This Will Be "The Balancing Act" Show You Won't Want To Miss!

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TEN Short Years Ago TODAY...I Became A Mommy For The First Time!

    I remember the day like it was yesterday!  I was 36 weeks exactly and my water had broke two days before, but after being given bad advice on the phone (by a male nurse), I went to the my doctor's appointment expecting four more weeks till my baby arrived.  I was wrong!  I had an infection!  HE WAS COMING...THAT DAY!  I called my boyfriend, who was on duty in the Navy in San Diego and he started a long drive through LA in rush hour to get to the hospital in hopes of arriving before his first born son made his appearance. 

    Thankfully, he got there in plenty of time and actually was a part of the entire birth experience (for the most part).  Our bouncing baby boy came out screaming, but struggling to breath at a whopping 6 pounds, 3 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long.  You guessed it...he was carted off to the NICU for under developed lungs, where he stayed for 5 days.  A very long 5 days...
    (this is a picture of the day I took him home)
    Now...he's a smart, soft spirited, sweetheart of a young man!
    I love this boy!
    He's almost as tall as me...and he's much bigger than he was the day he was born!
    But he'll always be my baby too! 
    He was my introduction into motherhood and for the first six months of his life...it was just me & him.  I thank GOD everyday for giving him to me!  He was such a blessing!
    Happy Birthday Son! 
    I couldn't be more proud of the man you are becoming! 
    Thank you for letting me be your mommy! 

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TEN Short Years Ago TODAY...I Became A Mommy For The First Time!

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Madonna é flagrada malhando e suando durante as férias

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Madonna é flagrada malhando e suando durante as férias

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This Winner Will Have Some READING To Do...

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This Winner Will Have Some READING To Do...

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Madonna assiste apresentação do namorado em boate

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Madonna assiste apresentação do namorado em boate

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Head Lice...You Don't Stand A Chance In This House! Thanks to "Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel" Products!

    Our experience with head lice last year was AWFUL!  Beyond awful...I can't even describe to you how much it makes me itch to think about it, how many nightmares I had about those horrible bugs and how I cringe at the thought of having another bout of HEAD LICE!  Yes...we (all three ladies in the house) had full blown cases of head lice and it was not PRETTY!  NOT AT ALL!
    Did you know that 85% of all school districts report at least one case of head lice every year and that the majority is in preschool and elementary school aged kids?

    Thanks to Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel Products (sent to us free of charge for this review/feature) from Team Mom, I can breath easy that this year we should be 100% head lice free in this house!  We received the Shampoo, Conditioner, Spray & Shield and Leave-in Conditioning Spray.

    I am so glad that this organic, safe to use daily (unlike other head lice removal systems) product can provide protection and prevention of these pesky little critters from every showing up on anyone in our family's hair! 

    PhotobucketNow, I'll admit that these products offer a quite potent scent...but that's part of why they work so well!  Your child, like my girls, may not appreciate it...but BELIEVE me, they would much rather the scent than the hours spent picking and washing and drying their hair to get rid of this awful problem.

    Did you know that there is even an application about prevention and facts about head lice?  CLICK HERE to learn more about it!  What a handy thing to have with you...when you just might need it this school year!

    Please CLICK HERE to learn more about Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel products and I would strongly suggest you consider stocking up and using it NOW!  Don't wait till you have an issue...because, by then, it's to late!  You will never understand the true extend of "NIT PICKING" till your doing it in your kids & your own hair.  YUCK! 

    I am so thankful for products like Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel
    Keeping those bugs away for good is A-OK with me!

    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the products sent for review/feature!

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Head Lice...You Don't Stand A Chance In This House! Thanks to "Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel" Products!

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I Can't Believe It!!! Moon Dough Finally RECEIVES MY APPROVAL! What A Shocker!

    Moon Dough and I have not really been pals in the past!  Why?  I love that it's hypoallergenic!  I love that my kids love playing with it!  I HATE...I REPEAT...I HATE THE MESS THAT IT MAKES!  Seriously...when Santa was handing it out at the mall this last year for Christmas...I begged and pleaded (literally I did) with my kids NOT TO TAKE it...and they did...and my kitchen paid for it (because of the mess that was made when they played with it).
    However, I got a chance to try it again...because they have an "all new dough formula" and since Team Mom was offering (sending the product for us to review free of charge)...I wasn't going to not try it!
    It arrived and my kids immediately went nuts!  NO JOKE!  I think they loved both playing with it and the charge they go,t when they saw how upset it made me to have to clean it up!  Anyway, I decided to let my oldest son be my review assistant...because I felt he would make the least amount of mess, should this new dough formula not be IMPROVED!
    LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING...I was shocked!  The new dough formula is awesome!  There was no mess left on the table when we were playing with it!  The dough stayed together and if it did come apart...it was much easier to gather up and play with again.  What a HUGE difference! 
    The Breakfast Set we received offered another positive addition...Push N Pop cutouts that make creating your Moon Dough creations easier!  You just push it down and pop it up and out comes your waffles, strawberries, etc.  We had a great time cooking and creating a "Moon Dough" breakfast!
    All in all...I will admit that I was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoying the entire experience with Moon Dough now...from the start to the" easy to clean up" finish (in a provided ziplock baggie).  Moon Dough has earned my respect and I will consider purchasing more of this "NEW IMPROVED DOUGH FORMULA" product for my kids in the future!

    Thank you Moon Dough!  Thanks for making a dough that my kids love, that never dries out and now can be cleaned up with ease!  I am impressed and excited to share with other mommies that you've got yourself QUITE a product now!  I can also say this would NOW be a great gift for children on your Christmas list this year!
    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated ony by the product sent for review/feature!

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I Can't Believe It!!! Moon Dough Finally RECEIVES MY APPROVAL! What A Shocker!

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The Story of MY NET

    Kisah Uang Nganggur Seorang Pengangguran Yang Jarang Nganggur *halah!

    Sebenarnya ini adalah kisah tentang uang nganggur. Bisa dipakai bisa tidak, tapi kalau dibiarkan bisa ilang meruap di udara. Uang 27 juta di jakarta nggak bisa diitung sebagai uang yang banyak, di deposito-in juga paling cuma berapa siyh bunganya per tahun. Mau dipake maen reksadana juga nanggung, kalau mau dipake senang-senang, pasti bisa cepet banget juga abisnya. Semalam, kalau mau, 2 juta di jakarta bisa dibuang begitu saja hanya dengan sekali kongkow minum2 atau belanja-belanji bareng teman sesenangan. Kaliin aja 2 juta kali uang segitu, pasti nggak butuh hari yang banyak untuk ngabisin uang sejumlah itu

    Sejak akhir 2005 aku jadi pekerja serabutan (Hihi kebayang nggak siyh? Kata itu berasal dari kata ‘serabut’ atau mugkin ‘cabut’?) kadang ada kerjaan dan ada uang dan berlebih, kadang nggak punya uang meski kerjaan selalu ada saja nggak henti alias nggak pernah jadi pengangguran. Pada tahun-tahun sebelum bapak meninggal, nggak ada masalah siyh sebenarnya kalau aku nggak punya uang, toh selalu bisa minta duit ke rumah dan mereka akan selalu ada buat ngasiyh aku meski nggak bisa banyak juga. Itulah sebabnya aku bisa bebas ngerjain apa saja yang aku suka di jakarta sini.

    Bokap meninggal tahun 2003. Keadaan masih oke-oke aja dan semua berjalan lancar-lancar aja setelah kepergiannya. Kita punya toko material, beberapa ladang-ladang, sawah-sawah dan kolam-kolam, plus plus plus benda lainnya yang bisa lah dijadikan sumber buat ngidupin nyokap sama adik. Masalah justru muncul pas kakak ketiga meninggal. Itu terjadi tiga tahun yang lalu. Ya, begitulah.. ada beberapa masalah dengan bank yang bla bla bla melibatkan juga ortu tunggalku dan lain-lainnya. Sejak saat itu, kalau nggak bisa ngasih uang ke kampung, selalu mulailah kepikiran. Sementara… ya taulah freelancer gimana siyh kerjaannya, udah gitu aku bergerak di dunia idealis tragis pula (semoga sejak saat ini jadi idealis laris manis – amen *halah :p)

    Jadi begitulah awalnya…

    Aku pengen tenang tanpa harus mikirin kasih duit bulanan buat support bayar listrik rumahku yang lumayan gede di sukabumi sana, buat support bayar telepon, buat bayar uang bulanan pembantaian di rumah, dan mungkin juga bisa sedikit ngasih tambahan buat adik atau siapa saja orang di kampung yang mau turut jagain itu usaha nantinya.

    Uang nganggur yang aku punya, kenapa nggak dipakai aja buat bikin usaha kecil. Tapi.. apa ya?

    MY NET

    Aku itung lokasi tepatnya dimana, aku itung kira-kira butuh biaya berapa dan berapa unit komputer yang dibutuhin dan kelak akan ngasilin berapa. Aku itung juga berapa biaya listrik perbulan, biaya bayar paket internet bulanannya, biaya pembuatan kotak kubikal untuk masa awal dan liat-liat bebeberapa warnet yang modelnya cocok untuk ruangan di lantai bawah rumah di Selajambe sana.

    Ada 3 lantai di rumah di kampung sana. Di lantai satu, di bagian depan, ada 2 ruang yang selama ini dijadiin gudang. Bial dipakai salah satunya, itu pasti bisa cocok banget buat dijadiin tempat warnet. Kakakku yang di Cianjur punya toko material, bisa ke dia aku minta bantuan buat dibikinin kotak kubikal untuk para pelanggan supaya bisa santai juga feel private kalau lagi ngakses internet, dan semua ponakanku yang kecil-kecil dan abege, mereka adalah para customer warnet yang hampir saban hari buang duit di warnet orang.

    Maka kujadikan mereka sebagai sumber risetku untuk tahu warnet seperti apakah yang membuat mereka nyaman dan selalu pengen balik serta balik lagi.

    [Mila, ponakan di Cianjur. Setiap hari online setidaknya 2 jam]

    [Faris, kelas 1 SMP - menjemput adiknya Mila, kelas 4 SD. Mereka narasumber saya]

    [Rima, Mahasiswi semester 4, salah satu ponakan ababilku]

    [Arul, umur 4,5 tahun, ponakan teringusan, baru naik kelas TK B. kecanduan parah sama game online]

    Keponakanku yang lain, si Alam, bukan hanya internet user tapi juga seorang ahli IT yang udah berhasil menjual beberapa produk website rancangannya ke lembaga-lembaga pemerintahan di sukabumi. Dia masih semester 6, punya 4 unit komputer internet di rumah yang dijadiin warnet tempat anak-anak tetangga main game online dan beberapa temannya yang jago, mengasah keterampilannya sebagai gamer. Kepada dialah aku minta tolong untuk desain-in seting warnet yang akan kubikin. Sementara, aku cat sendiri ruang gudang dan mulai menarik adikku untuk in charge dalam semua kegiatan tersebut.

    Usaha, seperti kata si Mark Zuckerberg, tak akan pernah berhasil tanpa kau merasakannya mengalir dalam darah, tanpa kau mau bersusah dan berjerih payah mengalaminya.

    Aku sendiri punya rencana: aku akan merancang, menyediakan, menfasilitasi dan semampu mungkin membuat ‘ada’ apa yang seharusnya ada dari fasilitas sebuat warnet tapi untuk selanjutnya.. adik ku lah yang akan in charge. Waktu itu Maret akhir dan aku hanya punya waktu 5 hari dan lalu bolak balik Jakarta-Sukabumi setelahnya.

    Sekitar 10 hari aku luangkan untuk si warnet itu dan… setelah semua infrastrukturnya baik software maupun hardware terbangun, kutinggalkan. Aku balik lagi dan berpetualang serta bermain-main di Jakarta, selama dua bulan tanpa aku datang dan tanya-tanya, kupercayakan si My Net pada adikku. Aku ingin, dia belajar tentang mengendalikan sebuah usaha sebenarnya… Kalau berhasil, sukur. Kalau tidak, setidaknya dia belajar sesuatu tentang sesuatu; bagaimana mengendalikan dan menjadi leader di sebuah usaha meski itu kecil sekalipun...


    Ini bulan agustus tanggal 30. MY NET mulai beroperasi tanggal 7 april 2011. Berarti sudah hampir 5 bulan warnet itu berjalan.

    Not bad, meski kayaknya adikku kerap deg degan kahwatir kalau suatu hari warnet nggak laku. Sekarang udah jamannya modem, murah pula harganya. Tapi pada adikku, aku terus berusaha untuk meniupkan semangat dan harapan besar. Berharap si MAY NET bisa terus langgeng baik-baik dan menyenangkan kayak gini selamanya...

    My Net cukup laku. Meski naik dan turun, pelanggannya selalu ada tiap hari. Dan sejauh ini, paling jelek, target pemasukan selalu bisa lah didapat. Setidaknya, untuk operasional seperti listrik, telpon, biaya paket internet, uang untuk nyokap, bayar penunggu warnet, selalu lah bisa di-cover.

    Para Pelanggan

    Warnet yang dioperasikan adikku sebenarnya bukanlah warnet dalam artian warnet yang sesungguhnya. Lebih banyak Game Online-nya, meski juga tentu saja para gamer cilik itu juga selalu bisa ber-FB an dan mau nggak mau itu artinya mereka harus memiliki account di yahoo atau di gmail bila mereka mau akses Facebook atau hal-hal yang lainnya. Alamat adalah hal yang paling pertama yang harus dimiliki siapapun di dunia ternyata, entah itu di dunia riil ataupun di dunia maya. Aku sendiri, seneng-seneng aja ngeliat anak-anak kampung itu kini mulai mengenal internet. Meski awalnya melalui game online, tapi aku berharap suatu hari mereka bisa mengenal internet jauh lebih banyak untuk kepentingan mereka dalam hal yang bisa membantu perkembangannya sebagai manusia dan bukan semata hanya sebagai para gamer yang maunya buang-buang uang dan senang-senang nantinya.

    Para pelanggan My NET kebanyakan adalah anak-anak tetangga. Dari umur 5 tahun yang masih bilangan bayi, sampe yang udah usia kuliahan. yang usia kuliahan agak jarangan dan mainnya malem, tapi yang anak abege seperti SMA kelas 1 dan 2, juga adalah termasuk para gamer yang sukanya main malam.

    Nah, yang lucu-lucu bikin heboh suka pada ribut itu ya yang masih pada ingusan. entah darimana duit mereka, tapi mereka bisa main berjam-jam dan pasti bayar. beneran ada yang dalam artian harfiah masih ingusan karena mereka beringus beneran (hihi), juga ada yang senior-seior semacam anakkelas 6 SD atau kelas 2 SMP yang masih mau main sama anak kecil dan nge-guide para juniornya yang belum bisa bikin account di yahoo atau di gmail, misalnya.

    Lucu-lucu mereka ini. Kadang satu sama lain suka berantem dan lalu nangis. Nyokapku tuh yang paling pertama aka bereaksi. "Siapa itu nangis?" teriaknya dari ruang tamu yang dibatasi pintu lapis dua. Lalu para bocah yang berantem dan nangis itu akan diam begitu ngedenger teriakan nyokap. Kadang, ibu mereka juga datang menjemput. Itu terjadi kalau anak-anaknya nggak pulang padahal sudah maghrib. Adikku, kerap mengusir mereka, tapi mereka nggak mau pulang - terlebih kalau lagi punya duit banyak buat main.

    Karena aturan nyokap, adikku selalu tutup My Net kalau waktu maghrib. Ntar buka lagi setelah jam7 malam. "nggak enak ama tetangga," begitu ucap nyokap.

    Waktu liburan atau puasa kayak gini, para bocah angon itu sejak pukul 9 pagi udah ngetuk-ngetuk rolling door warnet minta dibuka. Dan nyokap, yang awalnya nggak biasa dengan keributan, selalu saja masih bersungut-sungut bila ada anak kecil yang ribut. Nyokap juga kerap ngomel-ngomel tanpa sadar kalau mereka, para costumer cilik itu adalah para pelanggan yang harusnya justru dibikin senang. Si mama mah ngak perduli. Hihi. Belum lagi adikku. Dia juga kadang suka judes dan galak. Hihi, maklumlah.. belum terbiasa melayani pelanggan :D

    Dan anak-anak itu.. seperti layaknya anak-anak dimanapun di seluruh penjuru dunia, mereka tetaplah kanak-kanak. Hal yang paling pertama yang mereka perdulikan adalah mainan. Dan di MY NET, game yang paling seringkan mainkan adalah Point Blank, pun aneka game yang ada di facebook, di intrernet download dan dimanapun yang mereka bisa copy game-nya lalu mereka mainkan bersama dengan para teman-temannya di warnet yang dikelola adikku.

    Seru juga siyh warnet ini...
    Rasanya ingin juga suatu hari kujadikan materi dokumenterku. Hihi.

    Seakarang, bila uang operasional bulanan nyokap di rumah sana udah ke –cover dengan My Net dan nggak ganggu pikiranku lagi... apa mungkin kini saatnya aku mikirin usaha lain yang baru dengan uang nganggur yang lain pula?


    *tring tring smile mode on*

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The Story of MY NET

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This Winner Will Have STYLIN' HAIR, Thanks To Their PRIZE!

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This Winner Will Have STYLIN' HAIR, Thanks To Their PRIZE!

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3-Ply Toilet Paper? OH MY!! A White Cloud Delivery Is Always Welcome In This House!

    In this house...toilet paper is not only a necessity, but we FLY through it!  If there was something I could officially say we should "BUY STOCK IN" this would be the product!  Why?  Well, with six people in the house (all of which use the toilet now), and three of which are girls (which means we are in need of toilet paper more often then the guys)...let's just say, it's something we typically BUY IN BULK!


    So, I will admit that I was beyond DELIGHTED with a box from White Cloud (on behalf of The Balancing Act TV Show) arrived today on our front door step.  Even the delivery guy gave a chuckle as I read out loud the writing on the box...because toilet paper makes everyone smile, right?  It should at least...if it's good!


    What's different about White Cloud 3 ply Ultra toilet paper?  Well, first off, it's sold exclusively at Walmart stores!


    Secondly, it's 3 layers of soft lightly textured absorbent paper.  I didn't even know they made 3 ply toilet paper!  That's a little bit of heaven...just ask my husband (who is by far the pickiest about the toilet paper type in our house).


    Thirdly, it's priced perfectly for our family and provides just what we need to adequately "TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS", without using a lot (because it's extra thick), which means it will last longer! 


    Did I mention they have a money back guarantee?

    Our oldest daughter put the softness of the paper to the test...and as you can see by her smile!  It passed with flying colors!  By the way, we sometimes use toilet paper, around here, to blow our noses...so the softer the paper, the better!  WHITE CLOUD 3 ply Ultra toilet paper is ideal for both uses!


    Want to learn more about White Cloud products (they have a recycled fiber line as well...for those of you who are trying to stay GREEN) & also save yourself $1.00 on your next purchase?  CLICK HERE and check it out!

    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the products sent for review/feature!  This feature is also being featured on "THE BALANCING ACT" blog!

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3-Ply Toilet Paper? OH MY!! A White Cloud Delivery Is Always Welcome In This House!

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The Case Of The MISSING LETTER - On The Keyboard That Is...

    As you know, I am on my computer a lot!  You're nodding your head in agreement with me, right?

     My fabulous husband bought me a laptop for Christmas this past year and I love it!  It's great, because I am able to move from room to room, if needed, to keep an eye on things around the house, while I productively work on my posts & tweets.
    Anyway, because of my LARGE load of typing...and the fact that I type faster than I can actually speak...I noticed that I have actually been wearing the lettering off the keys.  In fact, the "N" is missing all together (from certain angles), because the white paint that once so BOLDY announced it's name, is now missing!

    Thankfully, I can type without looking at my fingers and they automatically know where the letter N is...but I found it odd that, that (and part of the letter M) have rubbed completely away!  Funny, right?

    Have you ever had this happen on any of your keyboards? 
    Would you know where your letters were if they weren't written on each key? 
    Have you ever taken typing classes before or done a typing program to learn on the computer? 

    Anyway, just thought I'd share the "CASE" with you, because my kids are very concerned mommy won't know where the LETTER "N" is when I type! 

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The Case Of The MISSING LETTER - On The Keyboard That Is...

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Hey Busy Mommies - Here's A Great "ON THE GO" Low Calorie Snack For You To Try, Plus A #GIVEAWAY

    As a busy mommy of four, I will admit that I've skipped a meal or two, just because I personally do not have time to eat.  Is this good for me?  No!  Is it good for my goals to maintain a certain weight?  No!  My body needs nutrition and though I might not have time, finding a quick "ON THE GO" snack that is low calorie and good for me is important!  That's why I love Fiber One 90 Calorie Bars
    These awesome bars are so delicious, you will never think about the fact that they are only 90 calories.  In fact, these delicious chewy bars contain 20 percent of the recommended daily fiber intake, making them the perfect on-the-go snack. They are the perfect size to throw in your purse as you head out the door and eat in the car, as you head into work, etc.  PERFECT!
    I received a great gift pack from Fiber One (on behalf of MyBlogSpark, sent free of charge for this review/feature) that not only allowed me the chance to try the Fiber One 90 Calorie bars, but also some cool goodies to go with them!

    Don´t let your hunger pangs lead to regrettable decisions. Snack in style with Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Bars, the "official snack" of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. From September 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011, visit www.FiberOne.com to enter the "Fiber One Great Taste Giveaway" for a chance to win a trip to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in February 2012 or, through March 31, 2012, one of 100 $500 gift cards for a designer handbag of your choice. For complete contest rules please visit FiberOne.com or find details on specially marked packages of Fiber One 90 Calorie Bars.
    Are you curious to try these Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Bars?  I have the opportunity to giveaway the same gift pack:
    Your prize pack will contain:
  • 1 chic black cosmetic case
  • 1 pop-out hair brush
  • 1 compact mirror
  • 1 tin of mints
  •  to (1) Lucky One Bored Mommy Reader!  That reader could be you!

    To Enter This Giveaway (you must do the first and then one or all of the following):
    1st - Tell me what your typical "ON THE GO" snack is
    2nd - Tell me if you've tried Fiber One Bars before
    3rd - Tell me why having a low calorie snack option is perfect for your busy schedule
    4th - "LIKE" us on Facebook & comment that you do (CLICK HERE)
    5th - Follow us on Twitter & comment that you do (CLICK HERE)
    6th - Follow our blogspot directly and comment that you do
    7th - Tweet about this giveaway & comment that you did (you may do this twice daily)
    8th - Blog about this giveaway & comment that you did, with a link, so we can read about it
    9th - Enter one of the other giveaways and comment that you did (you may do this once per giveaway entered)

    This giveaway will end on September 12, 2011 and is opened to US residents only! Please be sure to leave your e-mail address with each entry and leave separate comments for each entry.

    Thank you Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Bars for offering me a quick, simple, low calorie and delicious snack to grab and go with.

    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature! Disclosure: Fiber One Bars, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark

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Hey Busy Mommies - Here's A Great "ON THE GO" Low Calorie Snack For You To Try, Plus A #GIVEAWAY

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The Best Portable, Foldable, Safety Approved Booster Seat EVER - The Bubble Bum

    Traveling with four kids can mean that we have to take a LOT of stuff!  Especially since our children are still very young and small.  Because car & booster seat laws are different in every state...having a product that not only "KEEPS US LEGAL", saves us money and fits in our suitcases is IDEAL!  Wouldn't you agree?
    When we had the chance to review the BUBBLE BUM (sent free of charge for this review/feature), I wasn't sure it was going to be something that I really would feel safe using with my kids.  I mean...it's basically a blow up cushion, right?
    WRONG!!  Not only is it just like (or equal to) the booster seats we already use for our kids (safety wise), but it's even a little bit more comfortable on their bottom (just ask my daughter), it straps in to make it secure and, when deflated...it fits in a carry-on, suitcase or even their own backpacks.
    This Bubble Bum is perfect for traveling children ages 4-11, convenient for play dates after-school and helpful to Grandparents who get frequent opportunities to spend time with their grand kids.
    The best thing about it...it can really save you money, when you're already spending a lot on a vacation or trip.  You don't have to rent a booster seat, because you just pull it out, blow it up and strap your child in.  Then you're off and ready to start your adventure!
    The Bubble Bum retails for $39.99 and is worth every cent, in my opinion!  Just having this available, if and when we need it, makes me a happy mommy!

    PLEASE...CLICK HERE and check out even more reasons why you want to buy this Bubble Bum for your kids!
    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature!

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The Best Portable, Foldable, Safety Approved Booster Seat EVER - The Bubble Bum

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