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Madonna: Another Day Another Luxury Campaign

    She always gets it right. Brands love her. People love her. I am looking forward to see the Dolce & Gabbana print ads in the magazines.

    Versace: Spring 2005


    Louis Vuitton: Fall 2009, Spring 2009

    Louis Vuitton

    Louis Vuitton

    Dolce & Gabbana: Fall 2010

    Dolce & Gabbana

    Madonna: Another Day Another Luxury Campaign

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Madonna: Another Day Another Luxury Campaign

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    Madonna shows her support for Material Girl, her new line with daughter Lourdes Leon!

    Here's what the 51-year-old original Material Girl had to share:

    On the line being a representation of Lola's fashion sense: "I really like the way Lola dresses and I think this line is absolutely an extension of her taste."

    On deciding to sell the line exclusively at Macy's: "Macy's seemed like a no-brainer. Macy's is accessible - everybody goes there!"

    On what today's Material Girl is: "A Material Girl is someone who's interested in fashion and interested in music and interested in fun and has a sense of humor - an adventurous human being!"

    Source: Justjared.

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Express yourself

    Mostly it was just the 'express yourself' line that was repeating itself in my head today. Not in context of the song at all… but still an important thing to do. Thanks Madonna.

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Express yourself

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Madonna's "Material Girl" Collection Ready for Launch!

    Madonna is all set for the launch of her new "Material GIrl" clothes collection!

    Promotion has just started on different levels.
    An official press release and promo photos of Madonna were issued today. Also some preview pictures of the collection itself were sent to the press.
    And if this is not enough, Lola, Madonna's daughter and partner in this new project has just started a new blog to talk about her love for fashion and about the new collection! Check it out here!

    PS. Loving Madonna's photos with this black leather jacket!

    Madonna's "Material Girl" Collection Ready for Launch!

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Madonna's "Material Girl" Collection Ready for Launch!

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I Miss My Daughter

    I Miss My Daughter

    I miss my Daughter
    I miss my best friend
    please let me help you
    pain needs to end

    You are not thinking clearly
    not living your life
    the choices you make
    just show no right sense

    You lie all the time
    forget what you have said
    it's your mind that I fear
    will suffer in the end

    This doesn't have to be
    for the rest of your life
    you are so co dependent
    with your fuckin 'wife'

    I cry all the time
    my prayers are all day
    please understand child
    I can not live this way

    Your body looks sick
    you are almost
    down to bone and flesh
    look in the mirror
    look inward at your self.


    I Miss My Daughter

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I Miss My Daughter

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    Posted Image

    By Frances Burscough

    At least she's doing something worthwhile with her fame and fortune. More than worthwhile, in fact. Exceptional.

    Unlike most of her ridiculously wealthy peers, the former Material Girl has spent the best part of the last decade actually doing something positive to alleviate poverty and suffering in the Third World.

    For most celebrities, charity begins - and ends - once the paparazzi pack up.

    But Madonna has been making poverty history in a real way by pouring her own money into charitable projects in the third world, most specifically in Malawi, the central African country that has been ravaged by famine, drought and disease in recent years and whose population has been reduced by almost a half by AIDS.

    For the past five years her Raising Malawi foundation has built a £750,000 care centre for orphans of the epidemic, and has provided vital medical supplies, teachers, exercise books, mosquito nets, clothing and shoes for the most needy. The second phase of her relief work included new housing developments, schools and hospitals across the stricken country.

    Not only that, but she's used her considerable influence to raise questions and to bring an end to certain human rights violations in the country, too. The most recent was the case of Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, the Malawi couple sentenced to 14 years hard labour for the 'crime' of homosexuality.

    After publicising their plight on the internet, 50,000 of Madonna's fans (including me) signed a petition that Madonna personally presented to the country's president. As a result, he immediately ordered their release. One could say he knew on what side his bread was buttered.

    Steven and Tiwonge were freed last Saturday night and the laws in that country are about to be changed forever as a result. Further, Madonna sent a personal "thank you" to every single person who supported the cause.

    Think what you like about the woman, her image and her bizarre lifestyle, but no one can deny she is setting a fine example to the rest of us as to how influence and fame can sometimes be used for good.

    And, if it encourages other megalomaniac celebrities to compete for humanitarian brownie points, then all the better.

    Let's hope that this becomes one Madonna-inspired fashion trend that can actually benefit mankind in some way.

    Source and unabridged article: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/opinion/columnists/frances-burscough/how-madonna-really-is-a-ray-of-light-in-the-world-14842217.html?r=RSS

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A League of their Own (1992)

    A League of their Own is based on the first women's baseball league in America in the 1940s. While the men were at war, somebody had the bright idea of establishing a women's baseball league. Dotti (Geena Davis) and Kit (Lori Petty) are sisters living in rural Oregon. Dotti's husband (Bill Pullman) is fighting overseas. Dotti is the beautiful one of the family, and younger sister Kit always feels inferior. This feeling extends to baseball; when the league is scouting women, Dotti is the one they want. She encourages them to take on her sister. From here they make their way to Chicago where they try out for the teams. Here they meet some other women and future teammates. Their team is the Peaches, and they play alongside flirty Meg (Madonna), loudmouth Doris (Rosie O'Donnell), and plain Marla (Megan Cavanagh), among others. They are a melting pot of personalities that share a love of baseball. The team is assigned Jimmy (Tom Hanks) as a coach. He is a washed-up star that has spent the past 5 years drinking. He is rude and he can't believe that he has to be with the women's team.

    This film was directed by Penny Marshall, and her husband has a small role as the head of the baseball league. The cast are well-suited, even Madonna. It's surprising to see her in a film because she has such an enigmatic identity, but she is actually good as May (though it's probably not too far from her real personality). Tom Hanks has the best part here. His character is angry and moody, so a lot of the laughs come from his over-the-top anger. Some fine comedy work from him here; actually, the movie just generally elicits some good laughs in addition to the more sentimental moments.

    Even though this is a sports movie it also has a strong narrative. I think it struck a good balance between the games, the characters, the humour and the drama. It has a lot of spirit and Marshall is obviously very enamoured by the idea of these strong women in the 40s. The ending is really nice, and the older versions of the characters look impressively similar to their younger counterparts. I may or may not have felt a bit teary at the end (it seems like I've been crying in films a fair bit lately), but this has been handled really well. It's not too sentimental but just has a hint of nostalgia. There is so much to enjoy in this film. The baseball sequences are great and it's interesting to see the characters' relationships develop.

    This is a great one for women of all ages (I remember liking it when I saw it as a child) but I think men will enjoy it too. It's not too sentimental, and the women are really tough! Nice to see a woman directing this film also.

    My rating:

    A League of their Own (1992)

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A League of their Own (1992)

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yes another remix that I had to re arrange - add production and dubs and also vocals to make it diff...

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yes another remix that I had to re arrange - add production and dubs and also vocals to make it diff...

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Madonna open your

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Madonna open your

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    M-cone bra

    10. Paul Newman
    9. Princess Diana
    8. The Beatles
    7. Oprah Winfrey
    6. Muhammad Ali
    5. Michael Jackson
    4. Marilyn Monroe
    3. Frank Sinatra

    2. Madonna, the Material Girl who ruled the world
    During an appearance on "American Bandstand" in 1983, Dick Clark asked an up-and-coming young singer what her career aspirations were. With a smile, she matter-of-factly said, "I want to rule the world."
    All hail Queen Madonna!
    Twenty-five years, 12 Billboard No. 1 songs, worldwide album sales totaling hundreds of millions and a Golden Globe later, she has ruled with a velvet fist.
    Besides her numerous accolades, Madonna has influenced fashion, dance and pop culture for an entire generation. Not bad for a girl from Bay City, Mich.

    1. Elvis

    Source: New York Daily News

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Get into the groove

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Get into the groove

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R.I.P for my lovely yunhi

    suatu hari aku pernah jatuh cinta.
    pada pandangan pertama.
    bukan cinta eros atau amore,
    tapi semacam suka dan adore.
    kagum dan selalu menganggap orang tersebut keren.

    dia cewek.
    namanya yunhi.
    orang korea...

    dia pacar temanku yang bernama char***.
    mereka bertenu di bali dan yunhi langsung ikut ke jakarta.
    mereka jatuh cinta begitu hebat.

    yunhi nggak pulang lagi ke korea, tapi tiap bulan dia masih selalu minta papanya yang sayang banget sama dia untuk transfer ke rekeningnya di jakarta. dia memutuskan dengan sangat impulsive dan tanpa pikir panjang, untuk follow apa yang menurutnya adalah cinta.

    char*** baru lulus dari UPH langsung cari duit semampu dia dan mereka tinggal bersama, menyewa sebuah hometown dan hidup bersama seekor anjing huski.

    yunhi cantik banget.
    dalam artian yang sesungguhnya, di mataku.

    dia cakep,
    rambutnya kayak helm,
    dia berkelakuan suka-suka dia
    dan semua orang masih selalu mencintainya.

    di suatu party, dia dengan enteng mencium bibir nicholas saputra, dan si nico dengan penasaran dan tertarik langsung nanya itu siapa? eh trus tuh anak cewek badung balik lagi, nyium si nico lagi, ciuman yang hot di depan orang-orang. si teteh menceritakan peristiwa ini dengan semangat suatu siang. dan dasar yunhi gila, mendengar dia ditanyain sama nico, dia smaperin lagi tuh cowok dan bilang, "...i'm a transgender actually'. si nico langsung muntah-muntah...

    yunhi gila yah baw?
    keren kan?


    orlov (suenke) pernah suka banget sama dia, dan dengan mudahnya dia dapet kerjaan di perusahaan korea di jakarta hanya karena dia cakep dan bisa bahasa korea. kerjanya: nge-desain web. tapi yang ngerjain sesungguhnya: CHAR***, pacarnya dia itu. dia tentu saja punya staff, 2 orang freshgraduated dari ITB, sedang yunhi sendiri adalah manager mereka.

    yunhi gila.

    dia pernah bawa char*** diiket lehernya dan mereka berdua lalu jalan-jalan di mall. acting 'the pet and the master'. pasangan gila! kadang si char*** disuruh merangkak di lantai dan si yunhi ketawa-ketawa nyuapin dia kayak ibu ke bayinya kalau mereka lagi makan di foodcourt atau sebangsanya.

    suatu hari aku jadi penulis buat company profile salihara. char*** dan yunhi ada. aku nggak penah bisa berhenti memandang takjub si yunhi. bukan hanya dia korea dan cakep, tapi dia tahu pasti kalau aku jatuh cinta sama dia.

    dia melakukan hal tersebut lagi di tempat suting: di rumah maya hasan. mereka berlagak pura-pura jadi 'binatang peliharaan dan tuan' lagi. lagi-lagi charlie jadi anjing dan yunhi jadi pemiliknya, the master.

    trus setelah itu aku baru lihat..., si yunhi ini bener-bener gila. emang itu anak sinting dalam artian yang sesungguhnya. permainan yang kupikir asalnya menyenangkan itu, sekarang jadi mulai bikin kuatir.

    char*** berkali-kali bilang, 'hon, i cant continue this gam, we are working,' tapi di yunhi nggak perduli. dia ngerajuk kayak anak kecil. dan kami semua yang lagi suting jadi melirik ke arah dia..

    kasian banget char***, baw...
    akhirnya mencoba menenangkan yunhi. acting like he is a dog. trus yunhi ketawa-ketawa menganggap semua itu lucu. aku cuma bisa menyaksikan sambil meringis kasian sama char***

    trus lama nggak pernah ketemu char*** dan yunhi. terakhir setahun lalu dengar kabar kalau yunhi balik FOR GOOD ke korea. kata adit - teman char***, hampir selama dua bulan char*** nangis. tapi nggak dibolehin yunhi untuk nyusul dia ke korea.

    waktu kids fest bulan mei kemarin, nggak sengaja aku ketemu char*** di Blitz Pacific Place. sekarang pacar char*** orang jepang. cakep. secara visual. tapi bagiku hampa makna. beda dengan yunhi yang meluap, menggoda, gila, penuh emosi, dan ternyata beneran sinting hingga kadang bikin tengkuk merinding.

    tapi aku jatuh cinta
    aku suka sama yunhi
    mungkin sebagai observer, kalau sebagai orang yang hidup sehari-hari bersama yunhi seperti char***, entahlah... akankah bisa masih cinta dan suka?

    tapi buktinya...
    segila apapun yunhi,
    char*** masih suka saja sama dia..
    nangis parah ketika dtinggalkan
    sempat melarikan diri dengan cari kerjaan ke kalimantan

    sepulang dari ulangtahun teman yang bikin aku pulang ke rumah hampir jam3-an itu, dalam perjalanan aku mendengar kabar.

    Tiga bulan lalu dia bunuh diri.

    aku menjerit baw
    aku kaget dan histeric

    yunhi cakep banget dan gila

    dan katanya... konon yunhi memang sempat sakit, badan dan mental. lalu suatu hari pulang ke rumahnya dari rumah sakit. ketika semua keluarganya berpikir kalau yunhi sudah baik-baik saja dan membiarkan dia sendirian di rumah.. yunhi bunuh diri. pake saluran air shower yang terbuat dari besi itu. dia mati di kamar mandi. dan katanya, yunhi cakep banget. dia seolah sengaja dandan. full make up. lengkap dengan gaun dan sepatu.

    mendengar cerita tragis tentang yunhi dari teman sepulang ultah party semalam, aku sedih banget baw. seolah ada yang berderak patah di dalam sana, hatiku remuk.

    yunhi cakep banget
    penuh pesona
    bikin kita ngerasa konyol tapi juga keren kalau bareng dia
    cewek cakep yang kutahu belakangan ternyata emang sakit beneran...

    ah abaw,
    trus kubaca surat balasan darimu di inbox facebook-ku. dan aku tahu..., aku ingin mengabarimu tentang yunhi. cewek yang aku kagumi. masih berumur 24 sama dengan kamu tapi udah menyerah sama kehidupan entah karena apa.

    padahal dia selalu berkilau
    padahal dia tak pernah kehilangan cahaya
    sesuatu di dadanya, pasti itu adalah lubang hitam yang menyerap cahaya itu diam-diam.

    aku masih mau cerita padamu...

    aku sedih untuk yunhi
    hari ini..


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R.I.P for my lovely yunhi

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You Are The Only Exception

    lagu ini dengan cepat memenangkan hati.
    you are the only exception

    musiknya yang pertama menyentuh
    lalu syairnya juga...

    and yup,
    you are the only exception

    lelaki muda pertama yang memenangkan hati
    dia yang mewujudkan aliran fantasi menjadi nyata
    pada suatu malam, di beranda rumah berlantai dua
    ketika bintang menjadi lebih dekat dan malam menjadi kawan sekongkol yang membuatku diam-diam mulai mengintip memperhatikannya:

    Si Penjahit Hati


    by Paramore

    When I was younger
    I saw my daddy cry
    And curse at the wind
    He broke his own heart
    And I watched
    As he tried to reassemble it

    And my momma swore that
    She would never let herself forget
    And that was the day that I promised
    I'd never sing of love
    If it does not exist

    But darling,
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception

    Maybe I know, somewhere
    Deep in my soul
    That love never lasts
    And we've got to find other ways
    To make it alone
    Keep a straight face

    And I've always lived like this
    Keeping a comfortable, distance
    And up until now
    I had sworn to myself that I'm
    Content with loneliness

    Because none of it was ever worth the risk

    Well, You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception

    I've got a tight grip on reality
    But I can't
    Let go of what's in front of me here
    I know you're leaving
    In the morning, when you wake up
    Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream


    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception
    You, are, the only exception

    And I'm on my way to believing
    Oh, And I'm on my way to believing

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You Are The Only Exception

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20 Years of Dick Tracy...and a Lifetime of Memories

    madonnadicktracy.jpg Dick Tracy image by kcsupercooper

    "Calling Dick Tracy! Calling Dick Tracy!" It's hard to believe that it's been 20 long years to the day since these iconic words were first uttered on the screens of American cinemas. Yes, my friends and approximately 10 blog readers: June 15, 1990 is a day to be remembered and revered by movie-goers, comic book fans, and gigantic dorks the world over. The yellow trench-coated, square-jawed detective had finally arrived. Dick Tracy was here!

    And he wasn't alone. With the launch of the first (and thus far only) Tracy flick on the silver screen, came an overabundance of movie tie-ins and merchandising deals that would be the envy of Hollywood producers even today. The comic book hero many had never previously heard of adorned lunchboxes, coloring books, school stationary, t-shirts, and just about anything else a marketing executive could plant the character's image on. There was a McDonald's promotion and you couldn't get through an episode of DuckTales without seeing a commercial for it. Mind control? The unscrupulous brainwashing of a nation of easily-influenced children? Nah, just really, really good marketing.

    Little did I know at the time, but the firestorm of merchandising and blatant commercialism would trigger a lifelong unhealthy infatuation in me. I had spent the previous summer in a tizzy over Tim Burton's big budget Batman film, and like so many other kids at the time, I bought into the "Bat-craze" quite literally. But that was soooo last year, and a young man's mind can be a fickle, discerning thing. It was time to move on to the next obsession: Warren Beatty.

    I don't recall what exactly ignited my overwhelming desire to see this movie. I remember hearing about it around the time school let out for the summer (I had just finished 4th grade) and I have some foggy recollections of a Johnny Carson interview with Charlie Korsmo, the young actor who played "The Kid." Wherever it came from and whatever the reason, I was hell-bent on getting to the theatre.

    Now mind you, I'd never seen a Warren Beatty film before in my life. I had heard of Al Pacino and I of course knew who Madonna was. I was an '80s kid, after all. I recognized Dustin Hoffman, too, but the rest of the Hollywood who's who cast I couldn't have identified for the life of me. None of that matters when you're a kid. You see things you like and you just love them without any particular reason. My heart was set on seeing this movie even if it meant giving up vital organs. This was going to be the summer blockbuster to end all blockbusters - of that much I was sure. All that was left was to convince my Dad.

    "No," he said.

    "But, Daaaaaaaaad! It's playing at the drive-in, too! It's only $6. It starts at 7:30. If we leave now, we can still make it!"

    "Nope. Too expensive."

    "I'll do more chores!"

    "You don't DO any chores."

    "You can have my allowance."

    "You spent it already."

    "Next week's."

    "You spent that, too."

    "Stupid Video Connection and their stupid Nintendo games," I muttered under my breath. "Please!!!!!"

    "No. Maybe next weekend. I just don't feel like going this time."

    Well, Dad didn't feel like going next weekend…or the weekend after…or the weekend after that. I contented myself with buying the movie novelization, the comic book adaptation, nearly all of the action figures, the Topps movie card set, and enough Dick Tracy-themed Happy Meals to kill Morgan Spurlock. My mother even bought me a couple shirts, which I proudly wore all summer like some kind of psychotic, pre-teen groupie.

    It was all just a tease. The summer wore on and on without a trip to Fort Wayne, Huntington, or anywhere else with a movie theatre. The green leaves turned to brown, school started back up, and the seeds of what will undoubtedly be a life spent under the close observation of a team of the world's greatest therapists were sown. I had missed it.

    I covered up my devastation with the usual kid activities: baseball, videogames, hanging out with friends, visiting relatives, and adding to my mountain of movie merchandise on a weekly basis. It was a great summer, even without detective Dick . We went to Clifty Falls with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. We took a trip to Monticello, Indiana and we had a blast at Indiana Beach, a tiny little amusement park I love to this day. There were many, many great days at Grandma's house and the world was just a wonderful place, despite any disappointment I may have felt. After all, my movie would eventually be released on video. Maybe I could finally see it then.

    Well, one very cold day the following January, Dad brought the newly-released Dick Tracy VHS tape home from the video store. The agonizing wait was over at last! I hurriedly popped the tape into the VCR and sat in awe and amazement for the next 90-odd minutes. It was everything I had hoped it would be, and I must have watched it at least three more times before we had to return it. Dad hated it and decided he'd rather have a colonoscopy than sit through it, but his opinion certainly didn't matter to me. It was cooler than Vanilla Ice and a box of neon snap bracelets combined.

    Over the many years since, I would estimate I've watched Dick Tracy more than 50 times. I've also, much to even my own chagrin, hoarded and held onto nearly all the Dick Tracy stuff I acquired that summer. I'm not proud of this, just laying it all out there. New fads and childhood larks have come and gone, but this movie remains as dear to me as it was the first day I laid eyes on that movie poster.

    I guess it reminds me of happy, simpler days, and great people from the long ago and far away. It's a time capsule of a summer that didn't go as planned, but wound up being pretty great all the same. Priceless memories. Now, there's some merchandise worth holding onto.














    20 Years of Dick Tracy...and a Lifetime of Memories

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20 Years of Dick Tracy...and a Lifetime of Memories

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    Madonna with her kids at the Kabbalah centre in London (June 11 2010)


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Going Home

    Aku mendengar teriakan itu..

    Jauh dari dalam hutan kecil
    di gigir kiri hatiku

    Aku mendengarnya...
    Suara para peri yang terdengar seperti tersedak macaroni

    Aku suka suara tak sempurna itu…

    Karena itulah aku pulang ke sana
    Ke dalam hutan di dalam hatiku

    Yang di sana kutemukan rumah
    Kutemukan cahaya
    ...Dan hutan

    Dan kutemukan diriku lagi

    Gadis kecil
    Yang kini telah tumbuh seperti kecambah…

    Gadis kecil yang suka berjalan dalam hujan

    Gadis kecil yang tak bisa menari dan tak menyukai warna merah jambu

    Gadis kecil yang lebih menyukai buku dan gambar-gambar di dalamnya...
    Gambar-gambar dimana naga bisa bicara dan dinding-dinding memiliki mata.
    Gambar-gambar yang tak pernah mampu diciptakan jemarinya...

    Gadis kecil yang ketika beranjak membesar, masih juga menyukai buku..

    Percaya kalau batu bisa melangkah, dan setiap malam ketika mendengar angin berdesau, hatinya tiba-tiba merekah seolah menjadi puitis karena alam menyapanya...

    Menganggap kalau pohon dan angin adalah kombinasi sempurna dari buku dan dirinya..

    Gadis kecil yang telah beranjak dewasa dan bisa ketiduran
    ...molor di mana saja bila ia lelah

    Gadis dewasa yang saat terjatuh tak sengaja dalam tidur pulasnya yang bisa entah dimana saja... Masih kerap bermimpi sama seperti mimpi di masa kanaknya: mimpi menggenggam peri penolong rapuh berwarna biru dalam tangannya..

    Gadis dewasa dan gadis kecil yang adalah gadis yang sama

    Gadis yang kini merindukan dirinya...
    Melihat dari jendela hatinya,
    Apa-apa saja yang telah hilang dari masa lalunya
    Dan apa-apa saja yang masih bisa ia cari untuk menutup lubang kehilangan itu di masa depan depannya...

    Gadis yang kini tengah menyusur jalan pulang.
    Melewati jalan setapak dalam hutan kecil di hatinya yang dingin lembab, namun hijau rindang...

    Hutan kecil yang tumbuh di gigir kiri hatiku


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Going Home

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Missing My Self

    I miss my self

    I’m missing my self

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Missing My Self

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Whip out your notepad and take notes, Christina.

    Take your Lady Gaga's, Britney's, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce's, and Rihanna's. I prefer the original. The woman who those girls watched on their TV's and said they want to grow up to be like her. MADONNA.

    Before Christina Aguilera ripped off Gaga and Madonna, she was ripping off Marilyn Monroe. And that was her being "original". Well, I think people are forgetting that Madonna already did Marilyn in 1991. And unlike Christina, she actually served Marilyn some justice while adding in some of her own sex-pot pop-starlette attitude.

    At the 1991 Oscars, Madonna preformed the Oscar winning song "Sooner or Later". And she PREFORMS. She preforms the shit out of that song. That performance is 19 years old, and I still haven't seen any of today's pop-starlettes outdo it. They all have outrageous costumes, tons of dancers, pyrotechnics, and crazy set designs. But they don't make you go "holy shit, son" like Madonna did.

    While we are on the topic of Madonna at the 1991 Oscars, and especially since it is June there is no way I am going to finish the post without mentioning that this was the night that Michael Jackson was her date. My head wants to explode just thinking about what would have happened if they actually liked each other (MJ apparently thought she was a pushy bitch, she thought he was too shy and said she wanted to shave his head). But damn, they were a good looking couple, even if their relationship only lasted a few weeks. At the Oscars, they literally SHINED. They weren't even nominated for anything. They weren't even actors! They were there only because Madonna was preforming, yet they were the only couple that people couldn't take their eyes off of. Like, they glow. See for yourself.

    Let's all take a moment to mourn my favorite celebrity couple of all time. Brangelina who?

    RIP MJonna. BHAHAHAhahahahahahanjfkgnsbnv;oQC

    I crack myself up.

    Whip out your notepad and take notes, Christina.

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Whip out your notepad and take notes, Christina.

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