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I Think You Should Start Your MONDAY Out With A Giggle...Cartoons To Cute To Not Share!

    I came across some cute cartoons that I am pretty sure most mommies and parents can relate to: 
    I hope these bring a little smile, giggle and laugh on this MONDAY Morning!
    I hope you all have a fabulous week!

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I Think You Should Start Your MONDAY Out With A Giggle...Cartoons To Cute To Not Share!

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Don't Miss The "CRAZY 8" Back To School Sale Going On NOW!!

    You've just got to love when your favorite clothing stores (for your kids) offer fantastic "BACK TO SCHOOL" sales...to save you some extra money & help keep you in budget for the start of the school season.
    I wish there was a Crazy 8 store near us, but since there isn't, I am glad I can still shop online!  Do you have one near you?  Have you purchased anything from them before?  I love their clothing and the quality is very comparable to their "COUSIN" store GYMBOREE (which I love too).

    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was not compensated (though I wish I was) in any way by posting about this sale.

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Don't Miss The "CRAZY 8" Back To School Sale Going On NOW!!

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I'll Never Question My Weight Again...Thanks To The Weight Watchers® by Conair™ Glass Body Analysis Scale! You Can #WIN A New Scale Too!

    I truly don't struggle to much with weight issues (thank my lucky stars for that)...however, I am getting to be middle age (my kids tell me I am old), which means that what I eat can now easily effect my body...because my metabolism is changing.  We haven't ever had a nice "SCALE" in the house to weigh ourselves...but it's honestly been a little closet "WANT" for me.  It would just be nice to "KNOW" some days, right?
    I was elated to find out that Conair not only offers a scale that will give me an accurate readout on my weight (whenever I chose to see it), but it also can offer a measurement of body fat, body water, bone mass, and BMI.  Pretty awesome, right?  It's called "Weight Watchers® by Conair™ Glass Body Analysis Scale Model WW52".
    Another feature I like is that we can set up "USERS" (it stores four), so it stores all my body information (age, height, etc.) to take into account when it does my body analysis.  It has a weight capacity of 400lbs and comes with batteries, so you can use it right away!

    I also love that it's available at Target (my favorite store) and online in the Conair store for $49.99.
    Do you own a scale?  Do you need a new one?  I get to offer (1) Lucky Reader their chance to win a Weight Watchers® by Conair™ Digital Painted Glass Scale Model WW24.  Just like the one pictured above!

    To Enter This Giveaway (you must do the first and then one or all of the following):
    1st - Tell me how often you weigh yourself
    2nd - Tell me if you're in dire need of a new scale
    3rd - Tell me why you need to win this scale
    4th - "LIKE us on facebook (CLICK HERE) and comment that you do
    5th - Follow us on twitter (CLICK HERE) and comment that you do
    6th - Follow our blogspot directly & comment that you do
    7th - Tweet about this giveaway & comment that you did (you may do this twice daily)
    8th - Blog about this giveaway & comment that you did, with a link, so we can read about it
    9th - Enter one of the other giveaways & comment that you did (you may do this once per giveaway entered)

    This giveaway will end on August 14, 2011 and is opened to US Residents only!  Be sure to leave your e-mail address with each entry and leave separate comments for each entry.

    Thank you Conair for this new scale!  We will be using this for years to come!
    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature!

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I'll Never Question My Weight Again...Thanks To The Weight Watchers® by Conair™ Glass Body Analysis Scale! You Can #WIN A New Scale Too!

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Isn't It Funny How "BOYS + FOOTBALL = LOVE!" ??

    We got our son's Pop Warner Football Gear today at the field and when we got home...the boy's couldn't wait to try on the new gear.  My oldest son couldn't wait to help his little brother get all padded up and put the helmet on...and if you can't tell from the pictures...my little guy didn't mind them at all.  He's been ready to play football since he could walk.
    My oldest son was even feeling the football spirit and decided he wanted a few cute pictures taken.  Of course, how could I say no? 
    Anyway, it just cracks me up how my kids can go through the rest of the year without thinking about or talking about it...but when FOOTBALL season arrives (practice starts Monday)...
    it's all about the FOOTBALL!

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Isn't It Funny How "BOYS + FOOTBALL = LOVE!" ??

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Where You Left Me..A 9/11 Memoir ~ Put This On Your List Of Books To Read!

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Where You Left Me..A 9/11 Memoir ~ Put This On Your List Of Books To Read!

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Have You Heard Of "DO YOU BAKE?" Products? #Win Some To Try Out Yourself...

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Have You Heard Of "DO YOU BAKE?" Products? #Win Some To Try Out Yourself...

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AdoraPet Has Children's Books Coming This Fall? Your Kids Will Love These!!

    Do your kids love puppies? Mine do! I don't think any of the four of them have ever seen a puppy that they didn't think was absolutely adorable. Not only that, but they want to "ADOPT" or bring home every one they see, as well. I can't blame them. I love puppies too.
    Do you remember how we reviewed a DVD (in fact, my son made their cover) that was the cutest thing you've ever seen? CLICK HERE to see more about it and purchase a copy or yourself! It features adorable puppies just being "PUPPIES"...and my kids loved it! Especially my little guy! He ADORED it!
    They have just launched an adorable children's book line that I can't wait to share with you.
    Not only will these books make your kids smile, but will also teach them about different types of occupations & facts too. Each book introduces the characters (Pico and Pima Puppy) & their adventure or story. HOW CUTE, right? They even have plush pet pals to go along with the books...so you child can hold their AdoraPet buddy (dressed up in their adventure outfit) while they read the story.
    They feature super cute illustrations, the books are small in size (which is perfect for taking them with you when you are "ON THE GO"), they offer rhythmic and rhyming text that is fun to read outloud and I have a feeling your kids are going to ADORE these AdoraPet characters & stories too.

    CLICK HERE to learn more about the characters (Pico and Pima Puppy) and their stories!
    The books will be available this FALL & are only $5.95 each (hardcovered and full of color) & the sets start at $20 (includes the story book & plush character).

    I was not paid to feature this post! I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature!

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AdoraPet Has Children's Books Coming This Fall? Your Kids Will Love These!!

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It's That Time Of Year Again...Are You Ready For Some POP WARNER Football?

    I can't believe it! 
    It's that time of year again...
    Tomorrow is uniform pick up day for our son! This year he's starting his football season as a Jr. PeeWee player. He's excited and anxious to get back into the swing of things again.
    Our daughter is doing her first year of Pop Warner Cheer this year too. She's so excited! We watched & cheered on the cheerleaders last year and she's so excited she gets to be a part of all the fun "FOR REAL" this year.

    So, wish me luck. Having kids in this very INVOLVED program, means that I am devoting at least 2 hours of our "family" time a night to being at the school, as they condition, practice and prepare for their 2011 football/cheer season. It will be awesome...it always is, but it's a sacrifice too!

    Looking forward to a fun fall of FOOTBALL & CHEER.

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It's That Time Of Year Again...Are You Ready For Some POP WARNER Football?

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I Wish I Had "BABY GIRAFFE" When I Was A New Mommy! Come See Why...

    There are times, as a new mommy (take my word for it...I've been there a few times)...that one would wish she had about four more arms than she actually has.  With everything a new baby "NEEDS" and even just carrying the baby and carrier...sometimes having an extra hand or arm would be extremely handy.  That's why I love finding products that make the task of being a mommy easier, and help keep the baby equally happy as well.
    This product, the "Baby Giraffe" is awesome!  It not only allows your child the ability to be entertained by their favorite toys (when they are newborn), hanging above their head by this adorable plush (and super soft) giraffe designed "arm"...
    but it also allows you to attach a bottle, which is perfect for those dire moments in the car, when your baby is starving, but you just can't pull over to stop and feed.  I am sure, if you have kids, you know what I'm talking about.  We've all had them at one time! There is nothing more frustrating for a mommy than hearing her baby cry and not being able to stop to soothe them.
    It also has an attachable mirror accessory, so you can watch your baby in the car, as they see the world passing by.

    Plus, it's flexible, so you can bend it anyway you need it...and can attach to just about anything you have for your baby (the infant carrier, car seat, crib, high chair, etc.)! 
    AWESOME, right?

    I love this Baby Giraffe product and think it would make an awesome "baby shower" idea for an expecting mommy.  It will also be something that every mommy will be requesting one of, as the realize just how much is involved with a new baby...and how sometimes an extra hand (or arm like contraption) is very handy!

    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature!

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I Wish I Had "BABY GIRAFFE" When I Was A New Mommy! Come See Why...

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STAYCATION DAY #5 - Outlet Mall Shopping & Goodbyes

    Today we did two major things on our last day of STAYCATION! 
    One of which I am a huge fan of...OUTLET MALL SHOPPING!
    We headed out this morning and arrived before the mall opened...which meant we had to wait a little while!  Of course, the kids found ways of entertaining themselves.
    My sis got a few "STEALS" in the COACH outlet, we found some shoes in the Nike Outlet (I got a pair of shoes for $25.99 that were originally $85.00) and my girls found their 1st day of school outfits at the Justice Store (thanks to the 40% off coupon we used).

    The second thing we did today I am never (EVER) a fan of...SAYING GOODBYE! 
    We stopped by my husband's work on the way home from the outlets so he could wish them farewell...
    then came home so they could pack the car and head out to Washington DC tonight.  They will be exploring for a couple days in DC and then heading back to Ohio...ending their vacation.

    We had such a blast sharing the last week with them.  Great memories were made and I cherish such precious time with family...since it's always so limited because we don't live close by.  I miss them already!  We actually did manage to see & do a lot this last week...even though we (our family) never was really, fully ON VACATION!  Doing a STAYCATION was a great idea...we just might have to do it again!

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STAYCATION DAY #5 - Outlet Mall Shopping & Goodbyes

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