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Madonna riles things up pre-concert gig!

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Madonna riles things up pre-concert gig!

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in this world

    Madonna's foregrounding of sexuality falls into the category of third-wave feminism, with its edgy, in-your-face tactics. This type of feminism glorifies rebellion, whether it is directed at the patriarchal status quo or at second wave feminism's monolithic critique of gender, tendency toward "victim politics," and suspicion of non-normative sexuality.

    Within Judith Peraino's proposed Garland-Ethridge-Madonna matrix of queer iconicity, Madge's 2000 hit What it Feels Like for a Girl neatly articulates what de Courtivron refers to as "the wish to be a woman." Anxiety accompanying such a wish drives much of Peraino's analysis, yet she critiques the recording What it Feels Like for a Girl as an invocation of an opposite desire, noting how "the lyrics describe…an inner wish for masculine power disguised by an outer mask of womanliness that serves to avert retribution." Yet the spoken intro to the song, daintily intoned in Madonna's faux British accent (this, I think, was the start of her British phase), is a direct address presumably not to her female fans but her male (queer?) listeners:

    For a boy to look like a girl is degrading

    'Cause you think being a girl is degrading

    But secretly you'd love to know what it's like, wouldn't you?

    Wish to be a woman, indeed! Peraino celebrates Madonna's acknowledgement of a polysexual fanbase, but in the music video version of What it Feels Like for a Girl, directed by her husband Guy Ritchie, the subjects to whom she addresses the song are perhaps most easily identified as heterosexual, even machismo males (an interpretation complicated by her concert version of the song, featuring backup dancers Peraino describes as "salsa dancing soft-butch women.").

    For Peraino, the chief difference between the recorded and video versions of What it Feels Like for a Girl is gendered. The former she deems hyper feminized while the latter, with its dance beat and violent imagery, masculinized. Peraino's description of the video is great, and thorough. She reads Madonna as "a leather-clad female Robin Hood with tattoos and bruises, guns and Camaros. An elderly woman, whom she 'liberated' from an old folks home, rides as a catatonic 'shot gun' while Madonna commits gratuitous acts of violent mischief against men."

    I want to offer an alternative reading, one that critiques Madonna's Judy Garland lineage as much as it perpetuates it. Let's say the song is addressed to the old lady.

    To be sure, What it Feels Like for a Girl is a violent video, so much so that MTV banned it from the airways. Madonna rams her car into men whose only crime is grinning at her, she tasers a man from behind and steals his cash, hijacks a man's a car and then lights him on fire. And she buys the old lady a slurpy. When the shock of the first crash knocks the woman's glasses down her nose, Madonna pushes them back up again.

    What does she want the old lady to see?

    If Peraino is correct that third wave feminists rebel against the second wave's "tendency toward 'victim politics,'" then it's not simply Madonna's use of sex that places her squarely in the third wave: the video What if Feels Like for a Girl aggressively rejects female victimhood, belying the unthreatening femininity which the lyrics prescribe.

    But I don't think the song is meant to chastise second wavers. Perhaps Peraino is right about Madonna's desire to "liberate" the old lady, but I'm not sure she's liberating her from the nursing home so much as from her beliefs about, yes, what it feels like for a girl in this world. The three words which, in the chorus, follow the titular phrase, are telling. This world, our world, is different from the world in which the old lady spent her girlhood, thanks in part to the hard work of second wave feminists, themselves probably at least a generation younger than the old woman in the video.

    Judy Garland, perhaps a contemporary of Madonna's shotgun passenger, is beloved for what Peraino calls her "tragic queerness" but also for her resilience, especially in her "resistance to predictable repetitions of behavior." Generations later, Madonna is likewise iconic in her ability to reinvent her public image, yet her reinvention is unburdened by a pretense of victimhood. She's aware of the precedent of feminine feebleness, as the lyrics to What it Feels Like for a Girl assure us, but the video makes it clear that she's not beholden it. She comes out swinging from the start, and takes the old lady along for the joy ride.



    in this world

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Tim Burton's Mad Hatter Totally Looks Like Madonna

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Tim Burton's Mad Hatter Totally Looks Like Madonna

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    Madonna and Lourdes go to 'Fela'

    Both look stunning last night as they left the theater. And it's so obvious the two have a great relationship. I bet a lot of parents can learn a thing or two from Madonna and Lourdes.

    Source: beaniecat.blogspot

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    Madonna is planning to give her daughter Lourdes a break in Hollywood by giving her a role in her new film, say sources.

    The Material Girl's new film is based on Edward VIII and it will go on the floor in the summers in London.

    The Sun quoted a source as saying, "She has arranged a small role for Lourdes."

    "It''s not a significant part but it will give her a good taste of life in the movie business.

    "Lourdes has made it clear she wants some kind of career in the entertainment industry and her mum is more than happy to help.

    "She''s already an incredible dancer, thanks to years of classes and she''s also been having singing training."

    Madonna, who's dating 22-year-old model Jesus Luz, had earlier refused Lourdes a.k.a. Lola to star in a Harry Potter film when she was offered a role in 2007.

    Source: http://www.latestnewsonline.net/entertainment/madonna%E2%80%99s-daughter-lands-role-in-her-new-film/60353.html

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    We're losing Madonna once again as she will move to London to direct her new movie.

    Madonna used to live in London, but moved back following her divorce from Guy Ritchie. Now, she is set to go back for six months this summer was she directs her new movie 'W.E.'.

    The film is about the late British monarch King Edward VIII's decision to give up the throne in order to be with American divorcee lover Wallis Simpson.

    A source said: "Madonna has rediscovered her interest in Britain. She's going to be filming her new movie about Wallis Simpson in London so it made sense for her to move back."

    Madge will also relocate her 4 kids and that decision has made Guy Ritchie very happy.

    A source told The Sun: "Guy is hoping the move will be permanent for his sake with the kids. He is desperate to get the kids over here and be able to see them more often. Rocco is so excited about it."

    Madonna apparently fell out of London because they would constantly refer her as 'Madge.'

    She said: "That's one of the reasons I left England - so I don't have to hear the word 'Madge' any more. Some people say 'Madge' is a colloquialism for a boring middle-aged housewife. And other people say it's short for Majesty."

    Oops! We always call her Madge. Guess now we know one of her pet peeves.

    Source: http://www.hollyscoop.com/madonna/madonna-moving-back-to-britain_23376.aspx#axzz0j1xWjBiW

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Song of the Day

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Song of the Day

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Making Madonna – “CBGB”

    Foi em clima de euforia e curiosidade que estreou, em 4 de julho de 2009, a segunda etapa da Sticky & Sweet Tour. MADONNA prometeu aos seus fãs visitar lugares onde ela jamais havia colocado os pés antes… O show sofreu algumas alterações, entre elas se encontrava a inclusão da canção HOLIDAY ao repertório da tour. O hit foi recebido com grande alegria pelos fãs.

    Logo que os primeiros vídeos e imagens da performance surgiram o que mais chamou a atenção do mundo inteiro foi a homenagem que MADONNA prestou à MICHAEL JACKSON durante a execução de HOLIDAY.

    Mas, passado a primeira impressão, algo mais chamou a atenção no contexto… um dos dançarinos estava usando uma JAQUETA BRANCA com duas siglas impressas na parte de trás: CBGB e OMFUG. Aquilo não era arbitrário e MADONNA não joga ao acaso…

    Abaixo está uma foto com o dançarino da tour usando a JAQUETA:

    MADONNA e aquela duas siglas na JAQUETA tinham muito em comum: o passado.


    Dêem uma olhada nas fotos abaixo:

    Essa é mais uma das incontáveis fotos que mostram MADONNA deixando o KABBALAH CENTRE em Los Angeles. Nada de muito especial na foto, não é mesmo? MADONNA, o filho adotivo DAVID BANDA… e a JAQUETA BRANCA! A mesma JAQUETA que o dançarino usa durante a tour com as duas siglas impressas na parte posterior da mesma.

    E aí você se pergunta: mas o que isso tem a ver com MADONNA? Muito… aliás, tudo. É hora de retrocedermos um ano na linha do tempo…


    Para explicar a relação de MADONNA com as siglas CBGB e OMFUG trazemos você até esta importantíssima data na carreira da cantora, quando a mesma entrou para o ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME.

    Uma das coisas mais emocionantes que aconteceu nesta noite foi o discurso de agradecimento que MADONNA leu para a plateia presente no WALDORF-ASTORIA, aqui vai ele:

    "Não consigo imaginar de que outra forma minha vida poderia ter sido… De certa forma, eu sinto como se fosse uma série de 'de repentes'… Em um dia eu era uma dançarina que lutava em Manhattan, e então de repente eu estava aprendendo por conta própria como tocar bateria em uma sinagoga no Queens e então de repente eu estava em uma banda e eu estava fazendo performances ao vivo no CBGB …"

    MADONNA, quando ainda não era mundialmente famosa, realizava suas modestas performances em clubes noturnos de Nova Iorque, entre eles o CBGB. Muitos fecharam as portas e viraram a cara para MADONNA no seu início de carreira… então é hora de conhecermos um lugar que serviu de palco para a nossa heroica estrela em épocas de vaca magra quando ainda tocava com a banda THE BREAKFAST CLUB.

    NOVA IORQUE - 1973

    Inicio dos anos 70, um turbilhão cultural acontecia em Nova Iorque. No endereço 315 Bowery at Bleecker street nascia uma casa noturna que em pouco tempo se tornaria um dos templos da música punk rock: o CBGB & OMFUG.

    Muita gente e banda importante tocou por lá: RAMONES, PATTI SMITH, B-52's, GREEN DAY, THE STROKES, TALKING HEADS e outros.

    As siglas CBGB e OMFUG significam, respectivamente: COUNTRY, BLUEGRASS BLUES e OTHER MUSIC FOR UPLIFTING GORMANDIZERS. O local acabou fechando em 15 de outubro de 2006, fim de uma era.

    HILLY KRISTAL era o dono e fundador da casa noturna… o cara deu uma mãozinha para muita gente que no futuro sairia do anonimato, MADONNA é um exemplo. Infelizmente, KRISTAL morreu em 28 de agosto de 2007, devido a um câncer de pulmão, aos 75 anos.

    Muita gente fica focado somente na persona MADONNA e acaba esquecendo e deixando para segundo plano personagens que tiveram papel significativo na carreira da cantora, HILLY KRISTAL foi um deles… grande ou pequena, a participação de KRISTAL e de sua casa noturna, o CBGB, somaram forças para tornar MADONNA quem ela é hoje em dia.

    Fica aqui nosso agradecimento e reconhecimento póstumo à KRISTAL e a todos aqueles que, em uma noite quente de um longínquo sábado do final dos anos setenta, saíram de casa para irem se divertir no CBGB e ao assistirem ao show do THE BREAKFAST CLUB se perguntaram: "Quem será aquela garota que toca bateria e que de vez em quando tem coragem de assumir o microfone para cantar de forma esganiçada?… Quem ela pensa que é?" Ah, se eles soubessem quem ela se tornaria…MadonnaNow.com.BR - CELEBRATION - O site da Madonna no Brasil!

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Making Madonna – “CBGB”

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    Madonna with Jesus, leaving the Morimoto Restaurant in New York (March 18 2010)



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Madonna - Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix)

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Madonna - Justify My Love (The Beast Within Mix)

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Celebrity Bodies: Hilary Swank vs. Madonna

    Over the years, I've kept a mental list of celebrities whose physiques/habits are inspiring for me whenever I work out. One of my favorites is Hilary Swank:

    Hilary Swank

    I never forgot this photo when it came out in Vanity Fair (around the time of "Million Dollar Baby"). Though she's a different body type and size compared to me, what I love most about this picture is the freedom she embodies. This picture sums up how I'd like to feel: free, graceful, and powerful.

    In turn, I am inspired.

    Now, it's hard to talk about celebrity bodies without mentioning Madonna. You can't knock her discipline, but I think she's gotten a little scary-looking in recent years:
    Madonna's scary biceps

    Er, yeah.

    Maybe it's her general fanaticism and refusal of any sugar of any kind that puts me off, but I don't think she looks good anymore. She's fit and is probably physically strong, but she looks sort of stringy… like she's lost too much fat, and the elasticity of her skin isn't holding up her muscles properly anymore.

    I'd like to look strong and athletic, but I think I'll stick to thinking about Hilary Swank.

    Celebrity Bodies: Hilary Swank vs. Madonna

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Celebrity Bodies: Hilary Swank vs. Madonna

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This is Jimi Hendrix' jacket

    From Desperately Seeking Susan

    Steve Madden studded ankle boots

    Balmain jacket

    (pics: internet, google)

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This is Jimi Hendrix' jacket

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    Posted Image
    Check out the rumored new artwork for MDG, Madonna's new sunglasses line with Dolce & Gabbana.

    The shoot was by captured by celeb photographer (and Madge's friend) Steven Klein. It looks like these are screen captures from a video. The MDG ads will reportedly run through February 2011.

    Madonna also recently sealed a deal with Iconix Brand Group. "Joining forces with Iconix to bring my fashion ideas to consumers is very exciting for me," said the Material Mom.

    WILL YOU BUY Madonna's new MDG sunglasses?

    Source: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2010/03/13/madonna-mdg-dg-sunglasses/

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    D&G friends

    The Material Girl inked a deal with the Italian designers to team up for six new pairs of eyewear with the logo MDG.

    Stefano Gabbana told WWD, "We're so excited. This further strengthens our relationship with Madonna, and it was a very constructive experience for us. [Madonna] is very exacting and a professional who seeks perfection in everything she does, and this was no exception."

    Domenico Dolce added that he and his partner always knew Madge had a hankering for design. "So we thought, 'Why not do something together and unite two very strong and high-profile names?'"

    Source: http://www.wwd.com/markets-news/madonna-enters-eyewear-with-dolce-gabbana-2545311

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On this Pi day - one month after Valentine's day: favorite love songs

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On this Pi day - one month after Valentine's day: favorite love songs

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