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NO MORE Late Night Caffeine For Me!

    Last night, I co-hosted the #TKOTB "Trendiest Kids On The Blog" Twitter Party and it started at 9pm EST.  To me...that's almost bedtime here!  Because I am a tired mommy with no life outside of my kids! 

    Anyway, I decided at about 5:30 that I needed a pick-me-up, in order to make it through the party and be able to put forth the effort and enthusiasm I wanted to!  SO...I HAD A NICE BIG CUP OF COFFEE!

    If you have read my blog or followed my facebook for long, you know that I don't start my mornings without Coffee!  I love it!  It's an addiction I have given up for pregnancies, but jump back in with both feet  (as long as my nursing babies babies agree with it), once I am no longer pregnant.

    However, I don't typically drink coffee at night time...because the caffeine seems to work really well at night time.  TO WELL in fact!

    So last night, after the party was over...I could not shut my mind down!  I couldn't relax!  I couldn't get comfortable!

    NO MORE COFFEE at night time for me!  NO MORE CAFFEINE period! 

    Does Caffeine effect you like that, or are you a person who could pour yourself a cup of coffee right before bed and not have it effect you in the least?
    I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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NO MORE Late Night Caffeine For Me!

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Oh MEGABLOKS..How You THRILL My Son! 956 Pieces Should Keep Him Busy For Awhile!

    My oldest son is into...very into building sets right now!  So I had no doubt that he would be delighted when a package arrived (sent on behalf of MegaBloks by Team Mom) that would not only involve building...but INVOLVE lots of it!
    We received a 956 piece Megabloks Blok Squad - Fire Patrol Station and EXCITED was putting it mildly.
    Holy moly!  Not sure I have ever seen so many pieces in a building set before!  How awesome!  This will definitely keep him busy for a lot longer than the smaller sets he has completed in an hour or less!  Plus, this is going to take some concentration to put together...which my son can definitely grow from.
    We got all the pieces out and started...by putting the figures together.  My son told me that you always put the "guys" together first!  OK!  If you say so!
    Unfortunately, we didn't get the whole set together yet...we've been busy with homework & football/cheer practice at night...but I know he's anxious to get this set all pieced together!
    Do you have a child that loves building?  This kit would make an excellent birthday present, Christmas present or reward for a great report card even!  TRUST ME!  My son loves it!  He's truly taken by the BLOK Squad and collecting them all now!
    Plus, for only $39.99...I think it's worth EVERY CENT!  This is not a building kit they will have "completed" right away...so you'll definitely get your money's worth out of it!

    MegaBloks have far more than just this set!  CLICK HERE and head over to see what other cool & new things they are coming out with next for your building crazy kids!

    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature!

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Oh MEGABLOKS..How You THRILL My Son! 956 Pieces Should Keep Him Busy For Awhile!

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The Trendiest TODDLERS Wear "BABIATORS"! ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! Plus A $1000 Contest!

    I like to think that my kids are trendy!  Regardless how trendy they are...I like to make sure that I keep their eyes protected from the harsh UV rays of Mr. Sun.  So if I can find a product that not only protects their eyes, but also keeps them absolutely HIP & TRENDY...
    I am all for it!
    Check out Babiators
    This trendy toddler sunglasses line takes eye protection to an all new FASHIONABLE HIGH!
    What toddler wouldn't love wearing "aviator" style glasses (like Mommy & Daddy wear), but that are absolutely durable & made to fit their tiny faces?  Ummm...my kids loved them! 
    In fact, these Babiator glasses completed my youngest son's HALLOWEEN costume for this year.  I mean, come on...you know that Police Officers wear Aviator style sunglasses, right? 

    I mean seriously?

    Not only do they have an awesome sunglasses line, but they also have an incredible contest on their site, to the tune of $1000 that you might want to check out too (CLICK HERE)!
    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature!

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The Trendiest TODDLERS Wear "BABIATORS"! ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! Plus A $1000 Contest!

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PROJECT COMPLETED: Goodbye Hole In The Wall...Hello Cute Chalkboard!

    This weekend...besides all the typical errands and activites we run for the kids, I was on a mission!  A MISSION to repair the hole in the wall.  Let me explain!
    In our rental home (where we live), a few weeks after moved in...our kids managed to knock a hole in the kitchen wall with the door knob.  FABULOUS!  I've covered it with a printed out chore list, even stuck up some adorable VINYL artwork to hide it...but to no avail, the wall continues to be damaged as the door is thrown open by the kids. 

    This weekend...I FINALLY HAD IT!
    After looking at a wall, that looked like something out of a foreclosure for months & years now...I decided to take matters into my own hands. 

    Here's how the wall looked before:
    I bought the supplies I needed and patched the hole in the wall.  That was no problem.  Sanded the wall down and cleaned it off as well!  The problem was with the painting.  Unfortunately, we have no "EXTRA" paint from the landlord to match the color, which means that the entire kitchen would need repainting when I repaired the wall. 

    So, I thought to myself, what can I do to save myself from having to re-paint the entire kitchen?  Ding!  A light bulb lit up in my head...make a chalkboard section of the wall.  PERFECT!  So I bought the chalkboard paint, taped off the areas to paint in and went at it!
    The finished results (even though the paint is not completely dry yet) is PERFECT!  I LOVE IT!  Just what I had in mind.  Not only will no one ever know there was a hole in that wall (hopefully the door being thrown into it won't happen anytime in the near future) and the kids are going to have a blast using it to play school on, I can make it a calendar, write chores on it, etc.  We can even use it to encourage each other with a scripture for the day! 
    I LOVE IT!

    Just thought I'd share my inspiration in case any of you are dealing with a similar situation.  Instead of painting an entire wall (after doing repairs), why not make yourself a chalkboard section of the wall?  It worked for me! 

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PROJECT COMPLETED: Goodbye Hole In The Wall...Hello Cute Chalkboard!

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THE PERFECT PLACE To Buy Your Kid's Halloween Costumes - JustKidsCostumes.com! Plus, SAVE 10% With This AWESOME Offer!

    Having four kids, means four times the costumes that have to be purchased at Halloween.  YEP!  Four opinions, four decisions, and ultimately...four costumes bought & paid for, for our kids to parade around in on that fun "CANDY FILLED" night in October.

    Where do you normally shop for Halloween Costumes?
    May I suggest you check out http://www.justkidscostumes.com/ ?  We had the opportunity to not only check out their selection, but to have a costume sent (thanks to Mom Select) for our review/feature...so we can give first hand proof that they are the ULTIMATE "GO TO" for your kids Halloween costume needs!
    Photobucket Photobucket
    We decided on the Police Officer Deluxe Toddler Costume for our 3 year old!  Actually, let me re-phrase that...he PICKED IT OUT himself!  How could I say no?  I could already envision him wearing this costume and playing the part. 
    What little guy doesn't want to be a Police Officer at some point in their childhood?
    This COSTUME is Deluxe for sure.  They didn't miss any detail...patches and all.  I love that instead of buttoning, the top is fully Velcro, so it's quick and easy to put on and take off.  It even comes with "play" handcuffs (which he thought were awesome) and a whistle (which is already giving me a headache, but he loves it). 
    And yes, he's already tried arresting mommy with his handcuffs!  I also loved that it comes with a belt (that has a built in holster), but no gun...because I do believe that at this age, he has no business carrying one around, even if we are pretending!
    Did you know that Just Kids Costumes also has a  Dress-Up Room app, so you can "try on" the costumes (on your kids pictures) before they arrive at your front door.  HOW COOL IS THAT?  That way your kids are guaranteed to not only love the costumes they choose, but be SUPER excited when it arrives...because they kind of already know how it will look on them!

    Thank you Just Kids Costumes
    My little guy can't wait for October 31st to roll around so he can wear his costume around town...

    I was not paid to feature this post!  I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature!

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THE PERFECT PLACE To Buy Your Kid's Halloween Costumes - JustKidsCostumes.com! Plus, SAVE 10% With This AWESOME Offer!

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Obama nyanyi

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Obama nyanyi

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Well...I Should Have Listened! Guess What Color My Hair Is Now!

    After asking if I could "PULL OFF" the RED (Very Rich Auburn) hair, from the Feria #66 kit I bought today at Target...I received mixed emotions.  I did have several who suggested having a professional salon do red instead of an at home kit, because it tends to be inconsistent and doesn't always come out like it should...

    Well...watch the video:
    HA!  You live, you learn!  NEXT TIME...I'll listen to you guys!  I promise!  Thankfully I had the backup color already purchased to cover up my big mistake!  Be grateful I am sparing you from seeing the condition the RED Kit left my hair in!  It was definitely laughable! 

    Regardless, I got a good giggled out of it, so maybe it was worth it just for that reason alone!

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Well...I Should Have Listened! Guess What Color My Hair Is Now!

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Can't Hug Every Cats

    Dilagukan dari versi aslinya >>> KLIK

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Can't Hug Every Cats

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Let "Putumayo Kids" Take Your Kids On An Adventure Around The World...With Their New Book Line!

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Let "Putumayo Kids" Take Your Kids On An Adventure Around The World...With Their New Book Line!

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10 Selebriti yang dulunya sering dibully

    “Bully-phobia” adalah istilah untuk rasa takut yang berlebihan untuk kembali ke sekolah setelah libur panjang karena adanya sekelompok orang di sekolah yang mengganggu atau mengejek. Kita semua pernah merasakan hal itu, yang biasa kita kenal dengan istilah “ditindas”.

    Hampir sebagian besar orang sukses di dunia ini pernah mengalami pengalaman buruk tersebut. Misalnya para bintang berikut ini. Sekarang ini mereka bernasib sangat baik. Tetapi mereka dulu punya pengalaman kejam saat masih duduk di bangku sekolah. Pengalaman mereka bisa Anda jadikan panutan: kita boleh saja dikerjai orang saat masih SMP atau SMA, tetapi semuanya akan berbuah kesuksesan di kemudian hari.

    Berikut 10 selebriti yang dulunya sering dibully:
    10. Robert Pattinson
    Robert sekarang lebih dikenal dengan R-Patz. Sebelum dia meraih penghargaan dari MTV Movie Awards, dia ternyata pernah dibanting ke loker. Masa kecilnya memiliki masalah yang lebih rumit daripada menahan naluri kevampirannya.

    “Saya pernah dipukuli banyak orang saat masih muda,” ujar Robert dalam wawancaranya dengan majalah Parade. Pangkal masalahnya? Akting. “Saya suka berperilaku seperti aktor, atau setidaknya bagaimana menurut saya seorang aktor harus berkelakuan, dan sepertinya itu memancing banyak orang untuk memukul saya.” Hmm, sekarang ini, akting Robert justru memancing banyak wanita tergila-gila padanya.

    9. Taylor Lautner
    Tak jauh berbeda dengan Robert, Taylor Lautner memiliki pengalaman serupa. “Dulu saya sangat tidak percaya diri,” tandas Taylor kepada Rolling Stone. “Karena saat itu saya seorang aktor, saya kerap diganggu di SMA. Bukan gangguan fisik, namun orang-orang sering menjadikan saya cemoohan. Kemudian saya mengatakan pada diri saya sendiri bahwa saya tidak boleh membiarkan ini menghancurkan impian saya. Saya menyukai dunia akting dan saya akan terus melanjutkannya.”

    8. Christian Bale
    Sebelum Christian Bale muncul di hadapan penonton dan memamerkan Oscar, dia harus menangkis pukulan-pukulan dari teman sekolahnya yang iri. Ingatan Christian tentang masa kecilnya: “Sungguh bukan masa yang indah. Saya menjadi korban penyiksaan, mendapat tendangan dan pukulan dari anak yang lainnya setiap hari.”

    Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa seorang bintang cilik, yang terkenal berkat karya besar Steven Spielberg “Empire of the Sun”, juga akan menjadi terkenal di sekolah. Namun yang terjadi justru sebaliknya, Christian mendapat banyak ancaman. “Dia memiliki masa yang sulit di sekolah,” kata Jenny, ibunya. “Penyiksaan itu cukup parah dan itu membuatnya sedih. Itu membuatnya meninggalkan dunia film dan keartisannya.” Untunglah tidak untuk waktu yang lama.

    7. Barrack Obama
    Sebelum dipanggil dengan sebutan Bapak Presiden, Barack Obama banyak mendapatkan nama panggilan. “Dengan kuping besar dan nama yang saya miliki, tidak mungkin rasanya saya tidak diejek,” ungkap Obama saat konferensi pers mengenai masalah penindasan di sekolah.

    Sekarang Obama kecil sudah tumbuh dewasa, pernah berpose untuk sampul majalah GQ, memiliki keluarga yang menjadi ikon mode, dan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang sangat bagus. Para pengganggunya dulu mungkin seharusnya berharap kalau mereka dulu lebih baik padanya.

    6. Winona Ryder
    Rambut cepak Lelaina Pierce (yang lebih dikenal dengan Winona Ryder) dan dress vintage doily miliknya menjadi standar mode pada masa Bill Clinton dan Kurt Cobain.

    Tapi waktu dia masih kecil, keunikan gayanya itu membuatnya tersingkir dari pergaulan. “Saya mengenakan setelan usang dari toko pria Salvation Army,” katanya dalam sebuah wawancara. “Saya mendengar orang-orang mengatakan, ‘Hei, lesbi!’ Mereka membenturkan kepala saya ke loker, dan saya jatuh.”

    “Bertahun-tahun kemudian, saya mampir ke kedai kopi dan didatangi salah seorang wanita yang dulu pernah menendang saya. Dia mengatakan, ‘Winona, Winona, boleh saya minta tanda tangan?’ Kemudian saya menjawab, ‘Apakah Anda ingat saya? Ingatkah dulu saat SMP Anda pernah memukuli seorang anak?’ Dia menyahut, ‘Sepertinya.’ Lalu saya bilang, “Itu saya. Sekarang enyahlah.’” Riuh tepuk tangan pun menyertainya.

    5. Marshall Matters (Eminem)
    Sebagai anak umur 9 tahun yang kerempeng, Marshall Mathers ditindas dengan kejam, dan ibunya menuntut sistem persekolahan di Detroit. Salah satu musuhnya di SD melukai bibir Eminem dan membuatnya tidak berdaya, seperti apa yang dilansir situs The Smoking Gun.

    Dia pernah pulang ke rumah dalam keadaan memar setelah dipukuli di kamar mandi sekolah. Suatu kali dia pernah juga dilempari bola salju dengan sangat keras yang membuatnya pingsan. Sang ibu mengatakan dalam persidangan bahwa trauma itu menyebabkan anaknya mengalami “mimpi buruk dan perilaku antisosial.”

    Ini sudah terjadi lama sebelum penindasan menjadi isu nasional dan dianggap memerlukan penanganan serius. Marshall Matters kala itu harus menunggu dan hasilnya ada pada lagu “Brain Damage” yang ada di dalam albumnya. Banyak orang menyebut lagu itu sebagai musuh masa kecilnya.

    Moral yang bisa diambil: Jangan membuat masalah dengan anak kerempeng, atau dia akan meminta industri musik untuk menolongnya.

    4. Christina Aguilera
    Juri “The Voice” tidak selalu memiliki kuasa untuk membantu atau mematahkan karir musik seseorang. Beberapa tahun lalu, Christina ingin memantapkan popularitasnya, namun tidak disukai beberapa orang di sekolahnya dulu.

    Sebagai bintang pop remaja, dia menjadi bulan-bulanan di antara teman sekolahnya di Staten Island. Beberapa oknum menyayat bannya agar dia terlambat sampai di tempat pertunjukan, dan merusak mikrofonnya supaya Christina malu di panggung. “Ada banyak kekejaman saat itu dan saya rasa itu semua terjadi karena mereka iri,” ungkap Christina saat acara “Behind the Music”. “Beberapa ancaman ditujukan untuk saya dan ibu. Mereka akan menggunduli ban saya jika saya tetap berminat untuk menang di kompetisi.”

    “Saya ingat, kala itu saya berpikir, ‘Saya harus keluar dari sini, Saya akan akan mewujudkan mimpi saya di luar sana.’”

    3. Mila Kunis
    Di bangku SD dulu, Mila Kunis dikenal sebagai si udang. “Saya selalu menjadi yang paling kecil di kelas,” ujar Mila saat wawancara dengan OK Magazine. “Wajah saya sajalah yang tumbuh. Wajah saya sangat lucu saat masih kecil. Saya memiliki mata, bibir, dan kuping yang besar, namun hal ini justru membuat saya menjadi bahan tertawaan, dan itu sungguh menyakitkan. Saya pernah pulang ke rumah sambil menangis. Kenapa saya punya mata yang besar?”

    Siapa sangka ternyata wajah ini membantu saya untuk menarik perhatian Justin Timberlake.

    2. Lady Gaga
    Lady Gaga tidak langsung dilahirkan seperti sekarang. Bra kulit dan rambut bentuk tanduk datang belakangan. Gaga ingat bahwa masa SMA adalah masa yang suram. Dia diejek karena dianggap jelek, memiliki hidung yang besar, dan mengganggu. Teman-teman sekolah juga menertawakan gayanya dalam berpakaian, kreasinya dalam bermakeup, karena mereka merasa mereka tahu apa yang terbaik soal mode. Ya, dan mereka salah total.

    1. Madonna Ciccone
    Sulit rasanya untuk percaya kalau Madonna pernah memiliki nama belakang dan tidak memiliki apapun. Namun itu semua memang terjadi.

    “Saya bukan termasuk hippie ataupun menggunakan ganja saat SMA, jadi saya dianggap aneh. Saya tertarik pada musik dan balet klasik, jadi anak-anak itu sedikit jahat kalau Anda berbeda,” kata the First Lady of Pop ini kepada Vanity Fair. “Saya termasuk dalam salah satu orang yang jadi korban.”

    Seperti yang mereka katakan dalam industri hiburan, saya ‘memanfaatkannya’. “Saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan keunikan saya. Jika kesenangan Anda berasal dari apa yang orang-orang sekitar Anda pikirkan tentang Anda, Anda akan selalu merasa kecewa.”

    Sekarang ini dia jarang kecewa, bukan karena dia tidak mempedulikan apa yang orang sekitar katakan mengenai dirinya, namun karena sekarang dia adalah seorang Madonna.

    Sumber : http://id.omg.yahoo.com/news/selebritas-yang-sering-digencet-di-sekolah.html

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10 Selebriti yang dulunya sering dibully

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Considering "THE SWEDISH DIET"...What Do You Think?

    Earlier this summer, I had surgery and found myself sitting around a lot!  WAY more than I typically (while I am chasing four kids about) sit around!  Being that I am inching towards my mid thirties (I said inching), I am finding that lower activity causes my clothes to fit tighter and my metabolism to slow down. 
    It's just not fun getting old!

    So what to do? 

    I can't go out and buy a new wardrobe, right?  I mean, 10 pounds just makes my clothing tight and uncomfortable.  So I am not looking to loose a tremendous amount of weight...

    I'd be happy with dropping the extra 10 pounds I gained (quite honestly) and not much more than that.

    Have you heard about

    As you know, I'm a Lifetime "THE BALANCING ACT" blogger and they just did a feature on this awesome new weight loss system and it totally sparked my interest. 
    It looks like something that would fit in perfectly with my daily routine.
    What do you think? 
    Is this a diet you would consider? 
    What would sway you from not giving it a try?

     I'll let you know what I think...if I finally decide to try it out for myself!
    I was not paid to feature this post! I was not compensated in any way! Just curious about this product and what my readers might think about it!

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Considering "THE SWEDISH DIET"...What Do You Think?

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Just A Taste Of Our TYPICAL Morning Chaos...

    Yes, with kids, especially my four...mornings can always be an adventure! 
    Then add a puppy, who's been locked in a crate all night (talk about PENT UP ENERGY) and it turns into downright chaos...FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!

    Of course, there's nothing but giggles and they love their doggy very much...but now you understand why COFFEE for me, is a MUST first thing in the morning!

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Just A Taste Of Our TYPICAL Morning Chaos...

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Happy Birthday Daddy!

    Even though he (my dad) is in Texas today...
    and I am in Connecticut...
    I still want to wish him a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Will you wish him a Happy Birthday too?

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Happy Birthday Daddy!

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