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Are You Prepared For An Emergency? Here's A Readiness Challenge & Giveaway Opportunity!

    As you know, Hurricane Irene showed her awful face and this mommy wasn't prepared AT ALL!  In fact, I was terrified about it, because of that!  Having grown up in CA, I knew what I needed to do for an earthquake, but a hurricane and tornado are different natural disaster's all together. 
    In fact, I had no clue what to get "READY" for a hurricane.  After doing online research and polling people in our area that had survived the last one, I tried to gather up supplies that we would need...but to be honest, I still wasn't convinced we were PREPARED like we should be!
    So, when I had the opportunity to receive a "READY NYC" Emergency Kit ("Go Kit" full of supplies)...I was more than thrilled!  Just knowing that we have it ready to go & available if we need it, for the next tornado warning or hurricane threat, makes me rest a little easier.
    In fact, they have a  Readiness Challenge that I would encourage you to take...to make sure your family is definitely PREPARED too!  In fact, they are offering (1) lucky One Bored Mommy Reader their chance to win the same GO Kit Bag full of supplies I received!  Prize pack includes: Go-Kit Bag, Pocket Radio, Flashlight, First-Aid Kit, Batteries, Worker’s Gloves, Light Sticks, Emergency Blankets, and more! ($50 value)  

    To Enter This Giveaway (you must do the first and one or all of the following):
    1st - Take the  Readiness Challenge and tell me how it has helped you in preparing better for the next natural disaster (CLICK HERE)
    2nd - "LIKE" the NY Office Of EMERGENCY Management (CLICK HERE) and comment that you do
    3rd - "LIKE" us on Facebook & comment that you do (CLICK HERE)
    4th - Follow us on Twitter & comment that you do (CLICK HERE)
    5th - Follow our blogspot directly & comment that you do
    6th - Tweet about this giveaway & comment that you did (you may do this twice daily)
    7th - Blog about this giveaway & comment that you did, with a link, so we can read about it
    8th - Enter one of the other giveaways & comment which ones you entered (you may do this once per giveaway entered)

    This giveaway will end on September 22, 2011 and is opened to US Residents only!  Be sure to leave your e-mail address with each entry and leave separate comments for each entry!

    Thank you to Ad Council and The NY Office Of Emergency Management for our Go Kit!  I feel far more prepared, than ever before, for a natural disaster to hit Connecticut.

    I was not paid to post this feature!  I was compensated only by the product sent for review/feature!  The products were sent free of charge on behalf of the Ad Council for the NY Office Of Emergency Management!

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Are You Prepared For An Emergency? Here's A Readiness Challenge & Giveaway Opportunity!

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