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I Found A New "KEY" To Naptime In Our House...Want To Know My Trick?

    My kids have always been hard to get to nap past age four!  Truly, by the time they turn two, they all have their strategies to avoid napping all together...but I try to enforce at least some quiet time until they are at least four.  That seems to be our stopping age.  The first three, I could only have nap on the couch...because I knew they wouldn't sleep if I put them in a bedroom full of toys.  The little guy, however, has always been really good about napping...until recently.

    He cries and fusses and it seems like he's trying to push my MANDATORY age of four boundary!  Mommy dislikes this very much.  So what's a desperate mommy to do?

    I tried something the past couple days that has worked like a jewel.  Of course...mind you...he has been running a fever the past two of the three days I've tried it.  Are you dying to know what "IT" is?
    Well, he's been going down for a nap on the couch to the soft and soothing sounds of classical music on t.v.  That's right...our cable provider has a music channel that is called, "LIGHT CLASSICAL" and it knocks him out within a few minutes of him laying down.  YES!!  SCORE! 

    No fussing, no crying, no "you're mean mommy!", none of that...because he is OUT like a light.  This makes mommy very happy! 

    Just had to share...in case this strategy might work for you guys too!

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I Found A New "KEY" To Naptime In Our House...Want To Know My Trick?

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