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Conversations With A Two Year Old...Absolutely Melt My Heart Sometimes!

    Sometimes being a mommy can be a truly GRUELING job!  Raising kids is not an easy job and being home with them all day is definitely trying on the patience!  However, there are moments of each and every day that make my job worth putting my all into.  It's moments like I just had with my two year old.
    He's been rather "TWOish" lately!  Testing my patience, getting into things that he shouldn't, throwing things and hitting people...WOW!

    So I picked him put and proceed to take him upstairs...the while he's fussing, crying, but putting his head on my shoulder and patting my back (I love it when he does that).  It melts my heart immediately!

    I take him potty and we have a conversation that goes like this:
    Me:  "You know...one day mommy will be to big to pick you up and carry you!"
    Him:  smiles and nods
    ME:  "Are you going to be a daddy and have babies someday too?"
    Him:  he smiles and nods again
    ME:  "How many kids will you have?"
    Him:  "Two mommy...a boy and a girl!"
    ME:  "Wow...that will be great!" 
    Him:  smiles and nods again
    ME:  "I love you Mason!"
    Him:  "love you too mommy!" 
    Him:  "will you pray with me mommy?" (as I lay him down in bed for his nap)

    We pray, I proceed to leave the room and as I do,I feel just a trickle of tears...my baby boy is growing up! 

    Despite a few growing pains (being two is rough), he's becoming such a sweet young man already!  It blows my mind how fast they grow and change.  Some days, I feel like I missing all of the special moments...even though I am here all the time...but I definitely thank the LORD when I can treasure little moments like this.  It may have not meant a lot to other people, or even other mommies...but it was something that made me smile and melted my heart again.  He's pretty good at that!!

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Conversations With A Two Year Old...Absolutely Melt My Heart Sometimes!

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