iman : why don't you reply my e-mail?
KeKe: is marilyn manson a satanist?
kumbang : why ... do you love me so sweet and tenderly, i'll do anything to make you happy ... do do do do do do do do do do do ?
rio : GOD kasih gw kerjaan lagi donk...hiks bt nehh nganggur ...dah mulai bokek
Lydia : kapan g kawin n dapet cowo tajir n soleh gaaa??? ;)
Vicky_Bach : What is your favourite song, God?? I'll sing it for you.
GueR : God, where is the toilet? I'm so nervous to meet U..
Ryo: what is the meaning of life?
Shenny: Why you created this world?
a-i: God, here's a glass of wine, let's toast for this crazy world. Will ya?
yas - rumplestiltskin: why do the chickens cross the street? ato what comes first, the egg or the chicken?
JeSsLyM : Tuhan, napa ada Dosa?
Louisa : God, bantuin Sa jadi terang tiap ari yahhh..
Hanna: Um.. bs jadiin aku org yg ga punya dengki?
Gatot :Tuhan.. bole liat ga apa2 ajah yg bakal terjadi ma saya?? (bole request2 ga yg saya ga suka??) :)
Andre : Why do You create so much suffering in this world?
anton : GOD, what is your position when playing basketball, will u be my coach?
Andy_Beka: God,Ni how ma?
Easter: How cud u be that precious to me??? ^_^
Wilmar : God,Why you are my father? not my mother ? so we can go shopping together huehuehue..
De Ja Vu: Hey G dude!! why u create such a man like me!! and put my ass back in heaven please!!
LidwiNA : GOD..who is my Mr. RIGHT?
SuN: r u gay? ^^
Krystal: why do you create tears? what is it for? and why people can feel? when people realize they exist? when & where the first existence of every human begin? ^__________________________^
fendy: are ya really God? where have you been? why do ya create human beeing?
Ira : God please give me everything that i want...
abi : Ya Allah, selamatkanlah saya dunia akhirat.. huehuehuehue.. berat nih.. (dosa gw
Phasya : Allah masukkanlah saya ke surga
ayo : boleh ga gue jadi tuhan elo jadi gue? kayanya asik... kalo ga boleh jadi malaikat
juga gapapa deh
BEVERLY: Tuhan, no hape nya berapa? biar kita bisa sms-an atau telpon2an, ntar aku cerita
banyak deh...
Amsal Polla: teach me to rest and dwell in You, Jesus!
-gentonk- : siapa aku?
+ idlo + : Gue abis berantem sama nyokap ma kakak gue... mau kan tuhan maafin gue ?
Adam: Kenapa saya dilahirkan menjadi anak semata wayang? I feel so lonely... hiks.. :'(
A N T O N Y :Misteri seputar G30S/PKI, GESTOK, & SUPERSEMAR.
TiKa : Can u put me in heaven?
christi: "Jesus, would You give all people around me an ultimate happiness?"
tio: ya allah, forgive me, i've done a lotta sin, pliz bring back the happiness in my whole life...amien
::goose:: ya Allah...Engkau maha segalanya...bless for someone that i still care and who's i really love...i love you GOD!!!
fretty/o-Ren: Lord, please be with me at all times, and take care of me and specially of those who I love and whom loved me. And those who come and gone within my life...hiks..hiks.. jadi sedih... :(, and let there be happiness for all.
MERRY: Plis Tuhan, cewek dikaruniai tenaga dan logika sekuat cowok. Agar korban cowok hidung belang tak bertambah banyak.Bahkan kalo bisa cowok dikasih tenaga yang lebih lemah dari cewek. Biar cewe yg korban perkosaan berkurang. (Apa malah banyak cewek memperkosa cowok?? Huehuehue)
UCU: TUhan, berapa nomor HP mu?
Ucu: I'll look deep in to his/her eyes, and tell him/her why he/she is so boastfull? always scary me with the nightmare, never put beautiful smile on my face and send me sad day every day. can u be nice to me? Please....*** I hate u.
Ayu: Tuhan, kamu ganteng gak? Kita pacaran yuk...
iman : why don't you reply my e-mail?
KeKe: is marilyn manson a satanist?
kumbang : why ... do you love me so sweet and tenderly, i'll do anything to make you happy ... do do do do do do do do do do do ?
rio : GOD kasih gw kerjaan lagi donk...hiks bt nehh nganggur ...dah mulai bokek
Lydia : kapan g kawin n dapet cowo tajir n soleh gaaa??? ;)
Vicky_Bach : What is your favourite song, God?? I'll sing it for you.
GueR : God, where is the toilet? I'm so nervous to meet U..
Ryo: what is the meaning of life?
Shenny: Why you created this world?
a-i: God, here's a glass of wine, let's toast for this crazy world. Will ya?
yas - rumplestiltskin: why do the chickens cross the street? ato what comes first, the egg or the chicken?
JeSsLyM : Tuhan, napa ada Dosa?
Louisa : God, bantuin Sa jadi terang tiap ari yahhh..
Hanna: Um.. bs jadiin aku org yg ga punya dengki?
Gatot :Tuhan.. bole liat ga apa2 ajah yg bakal terjadi ma saya?? (bole request2 ga yg saya ga suka??) :)
Andre : Why do You create so much suffering in this world?
anton : GOD, what is your position when playing basketball, will u be my coach?
Andy_Beka: God,Ni how ma?
Easter: How cud u be that precious to me??? ^_^
Wilmar : God,Why you are my father? not my mother ? so we can go shopping together huehuehue..
De Ja Vu: Hey G dude!! why u create such a man like me!! and put my ass back in heaven please!!
LidwiNA : GOD..who is my Mr. RIGHT?
SuN: r u gay? ^^
Krystal: why do you create tears? what is it for? and why people can feel? when people realize they exist? when & where the first existence of every human begin? ^__________________________^
fendy: are ya really God? where have you been? why do ya create human beeing?
Ira : God please give me everything that i want...
abi : Ya Allah, selamatkanlah saya dunia akhirat.. huehuehuehue.. berat nih.. (dosa gw
Phasya : Allah masukkanlah saya ke surga
ayo : boleh ga gue jadi tuhan elo jadi gue? kayanya asik... kalo ga boleh jadi malaikat
juga gapapa deh
BEVERLY: Tuhan, no hape nya berapa? biar kita bisa sms-an atau telpon2an, ntar aku cerita
banyak deh...
Amsal Polla: teach me to rest and dwell in You, Jesus!
-gentonk- : siapa aku?
+ idlo + : Gue abis berantem sama nyokap ma kakak gue... mau kan tuhan maafin gue ?
Adam: Kenapa saya dilahirkan menjadi anak semata wayang? I feel so lonely... hiks.. :'(
A N T O N Y :Misteri seputar G30S/PKI, GESTOK, & SUPERSEMAR.
TiKa : Can u put me in heaven?
christi: "Jesus, would You give all people around me an ultimate happiness?"
tio: ya allah, forgive me, i've done a lotta sin, pliz bring back the happiness in my whole life...amien
::goose:: ya Allah...Engkau maha segalanya...bless for someone that i still care and who's i really love...i love you GOD!!!
fretty/o-Ren: Lord, please be with me at all times, and take care of me and specially of those who I love and whom loved me. And those who come and gone within my life...hiks..hiks.. jadi sedih... :(, and let there be happiness for all.
MERRY: Plis Tuhan, cewek dikaruniai tenaga dan logika sekuat cowok. Agar korban cowok hidung belang tak bertambah banyak.Bahkan kalo bisa cowok dikasih tenaga yang lebih lemah dari cewek. Biar cewe yg korban perkosaan berkurang. (Apa malah banyak cewek memperkosa cowok?? Huehuehue)
UCU: TUhan, berapa nomor HP mu?
Ucu: I'll look deep in to his/her eyes, and tell him/her why he/she is so boastfull? always scary me with the nightmare, never put beautiful smile on my face and send me sad day every day. can u be nice to me? Please....*** I hate u.
Ayu: Tuhan, kamu ganteng gak? Kita pacaran yuk...
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→What Would you ask if you meet god?
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