Sadly, our airconditioning is still BROKEN in our rental house. With the first repair guy gone (he backed out on us), we are on to finding someone else to fix it. Problem's going to be a pretty penny to have it fixed and the landlord is not one to spend what it takes to fix things right (plus we have huge communiation barriers)...when it comes to our rental home. You've gotta love a good dilema, right?
So, with that being said...and the fact that it's already 80 degrees in our house at 8:30am...I know the fans are only going to be circulating the HOT air around today.
So, would it be wrong for me to run around the house in my bra and undies? I am a very modest person, in general, but I am getting to the point where extreme measures might be required, for us to survive the hot temps throughout the day today in our house. I know the kids will point and laugh at my flabby booty and bare skin, but it's almost worth it to me. I guess I'll just find the skimpiest shorts I have in my closet and lightest weight tank top I can find and call that good enough.
Pray for me...I get weary and frustrated when I get hot (or extremely cold) today might be an extra long day...since is predicting a 93 degree day today. Looking very forward to my trip to San Diego in August to Blogher.