So, as you know...Jade (our adorable German Shepard/Hound Dog puppy) is getting bigger and we are finding things we absolutely love about her and things that I would like to change about her.
This morning was a prime example of something I'd like to drastically change about her, and we should be able to...I just need to learn how! Why? Well, I hooked her to her tether, so she could get her pottying done while I got the kids breakfast taken care of and when I looked out the window's what I saw:
Nothing but butt...
She's absolutely covered in mud and there is a gigantic hole in the yard where she's digging. And let me just say, she's definitely after something. Not sure what she would want, buried in the ground...but she's after it!
So, this is my first experience with a dog that is truly a digger. We've had a chewer and a barker, but never a digger. What do I do? This is not a habit I want her to continue. Not only because she is making a mess of our yard (our landlord will be upset), but also because she's covered in mud and needs a bath now! HELP ME!
Any suggestions on how to get puppies to stop digging all together? I need your help!
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→Taking A Mud Bath...Not At The Spa...HELP ME Teach Her Not To Dig!
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