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SHAVING LEGS...What's The Appropriate Age For Little Girls To Start?

    We were riding in the car this morning and I noticed, my rear view mirror that my youngest daughter (who is 5) was looking at her legs.  Next thing I know, she's crying!  I, of course, have no clue what it's about.  She tells me, "Mommy...*sniff*sniff*, my legs have hair on them!"  BLOWN AWAY by this...I tell her, "honey, you're suppose to have hair on your legs sweetie!  You're a little girl!"  Then my oldest son announces, "girls are suppose to shave their legs.  Hair on girl's legs is gross!"  

    Oh my goodness...that put my youngest daughter is in complete distraught and worry...cause her legs are covered in peach fuzz. 
    My question for you...
    What's the right age to let little girls shave their legs for the first time?

    To be honest with you...I was a very late bloomer...and I have protective parents who were not ready to let their little girl grow up.  It was the summer of my freshman year of high school before I was allowed to shave, and it was quite a production.  In my bathing suit, in my parents master bathroom, with video cameras rolling...I shaved for the first time.  Yes...I shaved and in the process, I sliced a HUGE (ENORMOUS) section of skin off my leg with the razor and proceeded bleeding all over the inside of the tub.  My parents thought this was absolutely hilarious (cracking up and laughing about it...because I had been telling them for months that I was ready and now I hurt myself) and I was embarrassed &physically hurt & bleeding.  Not to mention that I had been looking forward to doing this (as a right of passage for age) for a long time.  I was probably the last little girl my age (in my school) that had peach fuzzy legs still.

    I know that my 5 year old and 7 year old are not old enough to shave their legs.  For heaven sakes, I barely let them make their own CHOCOLATE MILK.  But how does a parent know when a little girls should start?  Is there rules? 
    How old were you?
    Does that have a bearing on when you'll let your daughter?
    My girls will grow up, mature and become women...and I can't stop that from happening, but I also want to encourage them to embrace their youth as long as possible.

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SHAVING LEGS...What's The Appropriate Age For Little Girls To Start?

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