My poor little guy got sick on Friday night with a sore croupy cough. All day yesterday, I fought a 101 degree temperature and a horrible sounding cough with wheezy breathing. This morning, he seemed to have gotten even worse and his lips were a light blueish color. NOT TOTALLY BLUE, but it scared me to death. After two 20 minute steamy (not in a romantic way) bathroom breathing sessions, plenty of ibuprofen and fluids...his temp was 103.
( our sweet two year old still smiling even through 103 degree fever)
In a worry, I sent a text message to our FAMILY (she sees our whole family) doctor...and asked for her opinion on what we should do. She immediately called back (she's amazing like that) and said that she would suggest we take him to the ER. Why? Her kids, just a couple weeks ago had pneumonia and her little guy (who is a few months younger than Mason ) was hospitalized. I guess it's going around! Fabulous...especially since I know for a fact we have one in the house that is ultra sensitive to pneumonia.
My wonderful husband headed out with the sick two year old in tow, to the ER...while I stayed behind with the three others. After taking their temps, I found that all three of them were also running a temp. They all had 99 + degree fevers. Of course, finding that out didn't make any of them happy either.
I am guessing it's a virus and wouldn't have been so alarmed about our little guy...except that his breathing was so labored and wheezy...which is not a good sign. With my "AT HOME" croup treatments failing...we had to do something.
If you have a chance...and could, a prayer that he gets feeling better and is not hospitalized would be great! Thanks!
Oh...Happy Memorial Day too!
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→Four Kids With Fevers...That's How We Do Memorial Day! Because We're Cool Like That!
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